BREAKING NEWS: UK PM , Reportedly, Admits He Benefited From His Late Father’s Offshore Assets.

In the wake of the Panama financial exposures, which has so far claimed one high placed victim, the Icelandic Prime Minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, who resigned new developments have arisen in the United Kingdom.
The Panama financial exposures amounting to atotal of 11 million documents, reveal a wealth of information about offshore investments of the rich and powerful.
Having all along claimed that he , his wife and children did not benefit from his late father’s offshore assets and that he owned no shares, the UK PM David Cameron has reportedly now admitted that he did infact, benefit from his late father ‘Ian’s offshore assets before coming to power.
Its important to state that he has not broken any law, but the public will be keen to know why this admission has taken so long to be brought out to the public by the UK prime Minister.
The Damning financial exposures, reveal that foreign despots from around the world, including Africa, are enjoying a luxurious life of investment in UK property, while their own people are suffering and the UK people, particularly the young are forced out of London and the proerty ladder as the property market becomes nothing but an unreachable dream to them. More to follow……….By Sibusiso Ngwenya.

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