71 years ago on 21/06/48, the Empire Windrush arrived with several hundred Caribbeans who disembarked on 22/06/48 at Tilbury Docks in Essex and left the ship to start a new life in Britain.The UK has declared 22 June as a Commemoration day to celebrate the many contributions the Caribbean community has made to British society. It was one of the most turbulent periods in British history, from the Gunpowder Plot to the Great Fire of…

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POLICE WERE CALLED TO Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds home, after shouting and banging was reportedly heard

POLICE WERE CALLED TO  Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds home, after shouting and banging was reportedly heard

Neighbours called the police after hearing shouting and banging in Camberwell, south London, they said. A neighbour claimed to have heard “slamming and banging”, they told the Guardian. Police were called early yesterday morning to investigate the incident. A Metropolitan Police statement said: “At 00:24hrs on Friday, 21 June police responded to a call from a local resident in the SE5 area of Camberwell.“The caller was concerned for the welfare of a female neighbour.“Police attended…

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‘AN (MSU) STUDENT (24) from Gutu committed suicide over his dad’s reprimand for regularly coming home drunk’.

‘AN (MSU) STUDENT (24)  from Gutu  committed suicide over his dad’s reprimand for regularly coming home drunk’.

A 24-YEAR-OLD Midlands State University (MSU) student from Gutu allegedly committed suicide by drinking a poisonous substance in protest after being reprimanded by his father for continuously coming home drunk. Pride Chifamba of Masvingise Village under Headman Mutema’s area was found lying unconscious while frothing at the mouth on Sunday, moments after his father, Mr Samuel Chifamba, had reprimanded him for coming late, drunk. Sources close to the case said that Pride, who was in…

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MANDELA’S aide race row shows social media perils as she reversed all the years of hard work with a stroke of a social media pen.

MANDELA’S aide race row shows social media perils as she reversed all the years of hard work with a stroke of a social media pen.

Zelda La Grange was Nelson Mandela’s private secretary and handled his diary even after he left officeTwenty years of walking one step behind Nelson Mandela and being the symbol of racial reconciliation have been wiped out in one lousy weekend of Twitter rants.That’s what happened in the Zelda La Grange incident.Ms La Grange was Mr Mandela’s personal assistant, strategically hand-picked by the late statesman precisely because her family history is deeply rooted in the Afrikaner…

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Lobel’s bakery on Tuesday closed its Bulawayo plant, just days after shutting down its Harare operation.

Lobel’s bakery on Tuesday  closed its Bulawayo plant, just days after shutting down its Harare operation.

Lobel’s bakery on Tuesday indefinitely closed its Bulawayo plant, just days after shutting down its Harare operation.Officials at the bakery said they had exhausted their flour stocks and had not been able to secure new supplies owing to a severe United States dollar crunch, made worse by unviable bread prices.Fifteen-hour daily power cuts have also taken their toll on Zimbabwe’s oldest bread maker, which employs about 500 people in Bulawayo and 900 in Harare.“We have…

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ZIMBABWE TEACHERS PAID US$35 or RTGS $348,21 IN JUNE 2019 Zimbabwean teachers were paid salaries which are equivalent to US$35 in June 2019.

ZIMBABWE TEACHERS PAID US$35  or RTGS $348,21 IN JUNE 2019 Zimbabwean teachers were paid salaries which are equivalent to US$35 in June 2019.

In a screen shot that was posted by Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe Secretary General Raymond Majongwe a bank message said the recipient was given an amount of RTGS$348.21. The black market rate on Wednesday was at USD1:RTGS$ 10.Commenting on the matter Human Rights lawyer Pedzisayi Ruhanya said, “So if a Zimbabwean teacher earns US$35 a month, how does a family live under this salary, what is the perception of that person to the authorities….

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Bulawayo city (koNtuthuziyathunqa), residents are up in arms with power utility Zesa’s plans to “demolish” two of the old cooling towers at the Bulawayo Power Station

Bulawayo city (koNtuthuziyathunqa),  residents are up in arms with power utility Zesa’s plans to “demolish” two of the old cooling towers at the Bulawayo Power Station

‘ZESA TO DEMOLISH to demolish Bulawayo city (koNtuthuziyathunqa), Power Station towers’ BULAWAYO residents are up in arms with power utility Zesa’s plans to “demolish” two of the old cooling towers at the Bulawayo Power Station in acity which has seen shocking revelations lately including that the council did not own Bulawayo city council Tower block, then later realising that Bulawayo City Council does not have title deeds for some of its important buildings like the…

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YOGA-‘RELIGION, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL PRACTICE, to be incorporated in Zimbabwe Christian schools curriculum?

YOGA-‘RELIGION, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL PRACTICE, to be incorporated  in Zimbabwe Christian schools curriculum?

YOGA-‘RELIGION, SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY, SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL PRACTICE, to be incorporated in Zimbabwe Christian schools curriculum?’.Hindus have welcomed reports of Zimbabwe thinking about introducing yoga in schools.ZIMBABWE A NATION LEADING IN RELIGIOUS PROSTITUTION recently went through a torrid time with the then Zimbabwe Minister Primary and Secondary Schools Education Minister Lazarus Dokora facing a huge public back lash including pupils, parents, churches, businesses, other religions, and other interest groups in the education sector for ‘Introducing’ Islam…

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ZIM singer, songwriter, cinematographer, Ray Ceeh, was shot dead in Lentegeur, Cape Town, on Wednesday night, Western Cape police said on Thursday

ZIM singer, songwriter, cinematographer, Ray Ceeh, was shot dead in Lentegeur, Cape Town, on Wednesday night, Western Cape police said on Thursday

. “It is apparent that the victim was about to drop passengers in the area when three unknown men approached his vehicle and fired one shot to his neck and he totally lost the control of his vehicle,” said police spokesperson Siyabulela Malo.The shooting is understood to have taken place at about 22:43 in Maartbloom Street, Lentegeur, which is in Mitchells Plain, east of the Cape Town CBD.A murder investigation is under way and police…

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MATURITY DISPLAYED AS MDC Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe, met in mourning MP Vimbai Tsvangirai on Thursday.

MATURITY DISPLAYED AS MDC  Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe, met in mourning MP Vimbai Tsvangirai on Thursday.

Death usually breaks some people apart in anger or hostility, while some who might have been feuding all along, begin to close the rift between them.The MDC T leader Thokozani Khuphe and MDC leader Chamisa met in mourning the late Glen View South MP Vimbai Tsvangirai on Thursday and they were even seen talking amicably to each other.Several MDC supporters started , loudly booing and jeering at Khupe, resulting in Chamisa stepping in by going…

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