Zanu-PF Politburo member Obert Mpofu says an apology by Mnangwagwa’s government over the Gukurahundi atrocities will be a disaster for the ruling party and the administration,

Zanu-PF Politburo member Obert Mpofu says an apology by Mnangwagwa’s government over the Gukurahundi atrocities will be a disaster for the ruling party and the administration, arguing it’s time to let bygones be bygones.

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Matebeleland leaders have clearly caused major concerns, with the late former Zimbabwe Defense Minister Enos Nkala, denying his Ndebele background by claiming he felt ashamed and if he could get hold of soap to wash off the Ndebele part of him, he would do so. at the time when the Defence forces through the brutal Fifth Brigade under Minister of Agriculture Perrance Shiri, butchered 20,000 unarmed Ndebeles from Matebeleland and Midlands.

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We then had another prominent Matebeleland leader Professor Jonathan Moyo now living in exile, having been a key part of the fallen Robert Mugabe regime as he was the chief architect of draconian AIPPA and POSA laws which led to the abduction, torture, murders and disappearances along with forced exiling of journalists, activists, and millions of diasporans.
This matebeleland leader’s treachourous trait is again seen with a controversial Zanu pf stalwart Obert Mpofu, formerly Minister of Mines and Minister of Home Affairs , who now proudly says, an apology by Mnangwagwa’s government over the Gukurahundi atrocities will be a disaster for the ruling party and the administration, arguing it’s time to let bygones be bygones.
This stance cements Mnangagwa’s militarised Zanu pf regime’s efforts in silencing the gukurahundi issue. ‘Let bygones be bygones, if Government is to be dragged into formally apologising, this will open closed wounds which may be catastrophic to the party and government and it was resolved by the signing of the Unity Accord in 1987’.
“The Gukurahundi issue was resolved on 22 December 1987 by former President R G Mugabe and the late Vice-President J Nkomo. If discussions on Gukurahundi are to happen, Zanu-PF as the custodians of the Unity Accord should define the agenda and own the process,” said Mpofu.
He said discussions on Gukurahundi should be on identifying the victims and help them to access basic social services such as identification if there is need.
“Like any other disaster, a crisis of this sort is bound to create victims who have lost economic and social livelihoods. Some of these things can never be fully restored, instead the Government can recognise these people as victims and try to establish centres where they can be assisted,” said Mpofu. We however know that this will generate discontent amongst victims, survivors and relatives. DISCUSS!
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