CULT LEADER  Moon has captured, governance, religious structures such as  Apostolic Churches Council of Zimbabwe and association of journalists, Christianity endangered! 

CULT LEADER  Moon has captured, governance, religious structures such as  Apostolic Churches Council of Zimbabwe and association of journalists, Christianity endangered! 
As expected by about the Korean cult leader of Unification Movement Hak Ja Han Moon in her bids to change the norms and christian values of Zimbabwe , she has resorted to bribing journalists because today, journalists who attended her press briefing in Harare were given USD$20 each by her to motivate them to write positive articles about her cult.
Zimbabwean is traditionally a peaceful christian nation but the freebies dished out by the billionare cult leader are meant to ensure they will write good stories about her as they were promised much more as they write good stories about her.
It even went as far as the gathering proposing the formation of an association of journalist specifically to train members how to write good stories to run with the agenda of cult or unification movement.
Zimbabwean leadership led by Johannes Ndanga the leader of the Apostolic Churches Council of Zimbabwe organised to explain Moon’s maiden tour of Zimbabwe and unpack the peace festival that will be held on Wednesday. Its clear already that the Apostolic Churches Council of Zimbabwe led by Johannes Ndanga, the media through the bribed journalists and the association of journalists, the leadership and institutions through President Mnangagwa and by default Education, Health, Business, Farming and sectors across the nation are set to be captured with money thrown at them by the billionaire cult leader.
For those who understand the Bible, refer to Matthew 4:8-11
8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”
10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’
The governance and church leadership structure is bowing down to the cult and sacrificing Zimbabweans to the devil by steering them from the original Bible as laid down by God. Any wonder why the nation is almost daily experiencing unprecedented horrible fires, road accidents and deaths?
Its shocking that Ndanga went on to say, “You must admit that we need help as a country. Mother is coming to give her help for free. With the influence of Mother, we are going to get rid of sanctions very soon.”
President Emmerson Mnangagwa , who according to exiled Professor Jonathan Moyo, is into blood rituals, invited billionaire Moon to initiate many projects across Zimbabwe build her membership and cement her cult.
The Zimbabwe Council of Churches has reportedly swiftly issued a statement distancing themselves from the cult event.
The Unification movement believes that God’s original intent was for Jesus to form a perfect marriage in order to redeem humanity and undo the harm perpetrated by Adam and Eve.
Because Jesus (the second Adam) was executed before accomplishing his mission, a third Adam was needed to form this perfect marriage and complete Jesus task. This third Adam would be recognized as the second coming of Christ. As the perfect man, he would marry the perfect woman and become the true spiritual parents of humankind.
Members of the Unification Church regard Moon and his second wife, Hak Ja Moon, as these True Parents. Married couples and their families within the movement are regarded as the True Children and linked to God through the True Parents. says, wake up Zimbabwe. The billionaire has captured the leadership by aligning herself with the leadership President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who obviously has been heavily rewarded for this open door policy ‘Zimbabwe is open for business’ as we have already seen journalists being bribed.
Once you have links with the leadership structure, then state capture is given scenario, money will flow to those needed to make her capture of the nation through her projects nationwide and the journalists who have already been bribed and will receive more along with the association of journalists specifically to train members how to write good stories to run with the agenda of cult or unification movement are all thats left to ensure her movement takes hold and soon spreads across Zimbabwe and other nations.
Obviously, the journalists who already are well greased from the start will soon spread the warped gospel of the cult, capture the gullible, confuse many, keep many focused on insignificant issues and draw them from God, and over rewards for their sacrifice to join his cult while rejecting God. Zimbabwe is heading for trouble, wake up Zimbabwe! The media is the most powerful tool in reaching a people, shifting or changing opinions and in this case, will rewrite the BIBLE to run with the agenda of the cult where members of the Unification Church see, Hak Ja Moon, as the true Mother, while, married couples and their families who will join the cult are regarded as the true Children and linked to God through the Mother Hak Ja Moon.
In spreading any cult or terrorism, you only need a suffering people, high unemployment particularly among the youth who are easily influenced, greedy , corrupt leadership structures and media and they will shape the people. This will not end here, because coupled to this is social decadence or decline in dignity, standards and morals, violence, crime, drugs and terrorism which automatically follow the loss of true christianity and moral values. Once it takes root, it will take generations to remove or maybe even be until Jesus Christ returns! Its certainly not looking good for Zimbabwe! Wake up Zimbabwe!
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