Mnangagwa aligned spostolic sects allege violent attacks from Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP)

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa aligned apostolic sects allege violent attacks from Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP)
The sect has accused Mthwakazi of launching violent attacks on ZANU-PF-affiliated apostolic sects in Bulawayo and other parts of Matabeleland, targeting sacred shrines under the guise of removing alleged dangerous weapons. These white garment churches are seen as traditional support bases for President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s party, potentially making them targets for retribution by the MRP.

The Mapositori for Economic Development (ED), representing Vapositori and MaZion churches supportive of ZANU-PF, condemned the MRP’s actions as a violation of the right to free worship. They denounced the alleged targeting of apostolic shrines in Bulawayo’s Cowdray Park, accusing the MRP of obstructing constitutional rights of religious freedom and worship.

According to the MRP, their actions are aimed at uncovering weapons used in criminal activities at these worship sites. They claim to have made alarming discoveries of such weapons, attributing them to apostolic members involved in violent crimes.

In response, Mapositori for ED criticized the MRP’s tactics as discriminatory and tribalistic. They cautioned the MRP against taking law enforcement into their own hands, emphasizing that only the government and local authorities have the jurisdiction to regulate and manage religious practices in public spaces.

Efforts to obtain comments from the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) and MRP president Mqondisi Moyo were unsuccessful.
Source – the standard

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