Wicknell Chivayo Aquas bought from stolen Guvamatanga gvt cash-war vets watchdog

WICKNELL CHIVAYO Aquas Bought from Stolen Guvamatanga Govt Cash- War Vets Watchdog.

Controversy Surrounds Alleged Use of Taxpayer Funds for Varakashi Cars

A major scandal has erupted in Zimbabwe as allegations surface that taxpayer money was used to purchase Toyota Aqua vehicles for the ruling party’s Varakashi, not by the philanthropist and convicted money launderer Wicknell Chivayo as previously claimed. The revelation has sparked widespread outrage and demands for accountability.

The allegations were brought to light by COZWVA (Children of Zimbabwe War Veterans Association), a prominent watchdog organization. In a tweet posted earlier today, COZWVA claimed that the funds used for the purchase of the vehicles were released by the Ministry of Finance through Permanent Secretary George Guvamatanga. According to COZWVA, this means that ordinary Zimbabweans’ taxes were misappropriated for political purposes.

The tweet stated: “The money that was used to pay for Toyota Aquas was taxpayer money which was released by the Ministry of Finance through Perm Sec George Guvamatanga. So Zimbabweans bought Varakashi cars not Sir Wicknell.”

This accusation directly contradicts previous assertions that Wicknell Chivayo, who has a history of legal troubles including a conviction for money laundering, had funded the vehicles as a donation to support the ruling party’s grassroots campaigners, known as Varakashi. Chivayo had been publicly lauded by some for his supposed generosity.

The explosive claim has led to a heated exchange on social media, with COZWVA promising to release evidence to back their allegations. Responses have been swift and fiery, with President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba – under user @dhonzamusoro007, posting a provocative reply that was perceived by COZWVA as a death threat. COZWVA responded emphatically, questioning the nature of the threat: “Is this a death threat Mhofu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Another user, @ZimFairness, added fuel to the fire by criticizing George Guvamatanga, labeling him a narcissist with sociopathic tendencies and accusing him of hypocrisy and deceit. These comments reflect the deep-seated mistrust and frustration among citizens regarding the handling of public funds.

As the story unfolds, the Zimbabwean government is under intense pressure to address these serious allegations. The Ministry of Finance and George Guvamatanga have yet to issue a public response. The public awaits further developments, including the promised evidence from COZWVA, which could potentially expose a significant misuse of taxpayer money.

This unfolding drama highlights the ongoing challenges of transparency and accountability in Zimbabwe’s political and financial systems. As more information comes to light, the true extent of the scandal and its implications for the government and the nation remain to be seen.Zimeye

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