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WHEN A THIEF STEALS FROM A THIEF, is it a crime or simply redistribution of looted wealth ,..DISCUSS!
WHEN A THIEF STEALS FROM A THIEF, is it a crime or simply redistribution of looted wealth,..DISCUSS!
Three men, two drivers and a suspected buyer are in police custody for habitually stealing Zimbabwe’s president Emmerson Mangagwa’s maize deliveries to the Grain Marketing Board depot in Chegutu.
The three culprits are drivers Sebastian Mharadze (66) , Christopher Tirivavi (66) and their suspected buyer Shepherd Chirenga (43) who diverted route on their way to the GMB Chegutu Depot with maize from President Mnangagwa’s Precabe Farm in Kwekwe to Chirenga were they offloaded 4,5 tonnes of maize at the Cottco Site Tent in Chegutu before then proceeded to the Chegutu GMB Depot.
It is alleged that the culprits gained their employer’s trust and developed a habit of stealing from him for close to five years and barter-traded five tonnes of maize for a Mazda Demio while the other two bought several properties from their stolen loot, potentially prejudicing President Mnangagwa of more than 40 tonnes of maize through the scam.www.newzimbabwevision.com says that it is wrong to steal, no matter how big or small the item, but simply asks, when athief steals from a thief, are they equally accountable fo the crime like everyone else,..Im just saying!
Lest you forget, Emmerson Mnangagwa is allegedly one of , if not the richest person in Zimbabwe from the crime and corruption he has commited all over including the DRC war, when he along with other Zimbabwe military generals looted DRC minerals, Chiadzwa diamond fields and more, which is why we all know they are not willing to budge an inch for the democratic people in fear of being arrested for their past crimes against humanity, theft, corruption and effectively lose their freedom and corrupty gained wealth.
I ask again, WHEN A THIEF STEALS FROM A THIEF, is it a crime or simply redistribution of looted wealth? www.newzimbabwevision.com, says that the militarised Mnangagwa Zanu pf regime are a blood thirsty party, many have dissappeared, been maimed, killed, dissappeared, buried in mine shafts, caves, mass graves or melted in acid because of these criminals, who are hell bent on holding onto power at all cost. Lest you forget, remember the gukurahundi genocide, murambatsvina, chiadzwa diamond fields genocide, endless political violence in Zimbabwe all facilitated by the same corrupt, violent, blood thirsty militarised Mnangagwa Zanu pf regime. If anyone dreams that a ballot or court will unseat a regime that came into power by the gun, I’d say its a democratic world that we all hope for, so, feel free to dream on! …..DISCUSS! Sibusiso Ngwenyasee more at http://newzimbabwevision.com/when-a-thief-steals-from-a-thief-is-it-a-crime-or-simply-redistribution-of-looted-wealth-discuss/
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