‘BRITISH AIRWAYS PILOT STRIKE AVERTED, AFTER a three year pay deal reportedly promised an 11.5% pay rise over three years’.

‘BRITISH AIRWAYS PILOT STRIKE AVERTED, AFTER a three year pay deal reportedly promised an 11.5% pay rise over three years’.
IN September , 2,325 flights were cancelled when pilots walked out on strike on 9 and 10 September but a few months later in December, on Monday, British Airways pilots struck a deal with the BA over a dispute over pay and conditions in which pilots voted by nearly nine to one to accept the new deal.
According to British Airways owner IAG, the pilots industrial action cost the airline €137m (£121m) but the deal has called off the British Airways pilots next week’s strike In a statement, BA said: “We welcome this news, which is a good result for our customers, our people, and our business.” More news to follow, Sibusiso Ngwenya -BBC

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