Seven members of the national army were subsequently killed, and another 20 injured while they neutralised 80 terrorists in a military counter-attack and the army seized large numbers of munitions and vehicles.

Seven members of the national army were subsequently killed, and another 20 injured while they neutralised 80 terrorists in a military counter-attack and the army seized large numbers of munitions and vehicles.
President Roch Kabore’s Burkina Faso government declared 48 hours of national mourning in Burkina Faso starting at midnight for everyone in solidarity with those murdered, while Christmas celebrations have been cancelled and flags are flying at half mast.
President Roch Kaboré, who has often been reproached for not taking more action against terrorist groups, said on Twitter that the attack had been “barbarian”.
“The heroic action of our soldiers allowed them to neutralise 80 terrorists and to recover important military equipment,” Kaboré wrote in a statement.
So far since the year 2015, the barbaric terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso have led to over 700 deaths, and about 560,000 displaced people and refugees, according to a United Nations report.
In a statement posted on Christmas morning, Kabore wrote: “on this day of Christmas, have a pious thought for families mourning due to terrorist attacks against our country and be in communion with our brave soldiers who fight with heroism to assure the security of our national territory.”
Roch KABORE✔@rochkaborepfEn ce jour de Noël, ayons une pensée pieuse pour les familles éplorées par les attaques terroristes contre notre pays et soyons en communion avec nos vaillants soldats qui se battent avec héroïsme pour assurer la sécurité du territoire national.Dieu bénisse le Burkina Faso. RK
President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré declared a two-day period of national mourning that began at midnight.
The attack happened on Christmas eve, Tuesday morning in Arbinda. Sibusiso Ngwenya
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photo-Al Jazeera

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