VICE PRESIDENT CHIWENGA’S ESTRANGED WFE MARRY CHIWENGA, was today remanded in custody to 30 December 2019 over attempted murder charges of the Rtd V P Chiwenga.

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VICE PRESIDENT CHIWENGA’S ESTRANGED WFE MARRY CHIWENGA, was today remanded in custody over attempted murder charges of the Rtd V P Chiwenga.

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For Marry Mubaiwa, the estranged wife of Vice President Chiwenga Monday morning is a formal reminder of the Rtd VPs power and Zanu pf ability to wreak havoc into her life as she appeared in court today and she was formally placed on remand in custody on a charge of attempting to kill her husband, the Vice President. Marry was remanded i…n custody to 30 December 2019 for routine remand so this is going to be her most miserable festive period in her 38 years of life, away from her children , not in a multimillion dollar mansion and not in a private jet or range

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Harare regional court advised Marry to apply for bail at the High Court which has jurisdiction over such third schedule offences.

She was initially charged with externalization of US$1 million, fraudulently seeking to solemnise her marriage with neither the husband’s presence, knowledge or consent. says the situation was deliberately timed to coincide with the Zanu pf annual December conference period and floor Mardy Chiwenga.

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Zimbabweans are aware that Chiwenga is set to succeed President Mnangagwa and if anything happened to Mnangagwa, then Rtd Chiwenga would step in to finish his term in office. Marry is clearly not an ideal potential First Lady and ultimately a security risk to the nation as an unstable home environment for the Vice President is an indication of what he can do for the nation as charity begins at home. God forbid that the murder charge is not ramped up to a charge of treason. The military and Chiwenga having seen Zimbabwe live through the same chaos under the former First lady Grace Mugabe, will ensure that Marry is silenced for good. She really failed to have long term vision being only 38 against a seasoned 66 year old Rtd Gen/ Vice President….more news to follow. Sibusiso Ngwenya

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