Here we go again 1US$=ZW1000,000

Here we go again 1US$=ZW1000,000

Here we go again, on Tuesday 30-01-2024,  ZW$10,160=1US$ ZW1000,000= to just over USD$100 literally making everyone a millionaire and ZIMBABWE a country of the poorest millionaires as the this is the lowest the local currency  has fallen to, since  it’s 2019 revamp  A million Zimbabwe dollars is worthless, infact it’s cheaper to wipe your bottom after using the toiletnwith Zim dollar notes than buy a roll of tissue paper, ..I’m just saying! Sibusiso Ngwenya

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JAMESON TIMBA appointed CCC Interim leader

JAMESON TIMBA appointed CCC Interim leader

BREAKING: Jameson Timba appointed CCC Interim leader by Mandla Ndlovu In a bid to address the leadership crisis within the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) faction, formerly led by Nelson Chamisa, a Citizen National Assembly was convened on Tuesday. The assembly aimed to delve into the circumstances surrounding Chamisa’s resignation and to discuss the conflicting statements issued by different factions within the party. One of the key outcomes of the assembly was the appointment…

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“Go open a church”-Tshabangu tells Chamisa

“Go open a church”-Tshabangu tells Chamisa

Go open a church, TSHABANGU tells Chamisa Citizens Coalition for Change chaos “Go open a church” CITIZENS Coalition for Change (CCC) interim secretary-general Mr Sengezo Tshabangu (pictured) has thrown a salvo at ex- party leader Mr Nelson Chamisa, saying he hoped he would deploy his preaching gifts in spreading the word of God as he has failed in politics. Mr Chamisa threw in the towel and dumped the disjointed opposition political outfit last week, leaving…

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Mnangagwa gives Chigumba 6 more years as ZEC chair person

Mnangagwa gives Chigumba 6 more years as ZEC chair person

President Mnangagwa gives Justice Priscilla Chigumba 6 more years as Zimbabwe, Election Council ( ZEC) chair Justice Priscilla Chigumba was on Thursday re-appointed as Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) chairperson on a six-year contract set to take effect on February 1. “I am pleased to advise that His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Comrade Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has, in terms of section 238(5) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe (No.20) Act 2013 re-appointed you…

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President Mnangagwa’s relative by marriage appointed to Zimpapers board

President Mnangagwa’s relative by marriage appointed to Zimpapers board

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa’s relative by marriage appointed to Zimpapers Board The state-controlled Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd (Zimpapers) has announced a new board chaired by former Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Misheck Sibanda’s wife Doreen Joyce Sibanda. Misheck Sibanda, who was replaced by Martin Rushwaya last year in September, is a relative and political ally of President Emmerson Mnangagwa. This makes Doreen a relative of Mnangagwa through marriage. Rushwaya is also a relative of the…

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BREAKING: Chamisa abandons Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC)

BREAKING: Chamisa abandons Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC)

BREAKING: Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC). has abandoned VCC Chamisa issued a statement on Thursday announcing his departure from the opposition movement. The move has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the future of opposition politics in Zimbabwe. Chamisa, once a prominent figure in the fight against the ruling ZANU PF party, cited numerous challenges faced by the CCC since its formation two years ago. In his statement, he…

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FORMER British colony Zimbabwe is not immune to English courts jurisdiction

FORMER British colony Zimbabwe is not immune to English courts jurisdiction

FORMER BRITISH colony, Zimbabwe is not immune to English courts jurisdiction. The High Court in London has rejected the Zimbabwean government’s attempt to evade paying a US$125 million arbitral award for grabbing land belonging to Border Timbers Ltd and Hangani Development Ltd. Justice Julia Dias dismissed as “irrelevant” the Zimbabwean government’s argument that it is immune to the jurisdiction of English courts. The two companies were awarded US$124m plus interest and a further US$1m in…

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CCC CHAMISA LAWYER Advocate Thabani Mpofu resigns

CCC CHAMISA LAWYER Advocate Thabani Mpofu resigns

CCC CHAMISA LAWYER Advocate Thabani Mpofu resigns Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa’s ally Advocate Thabani Mpofu has resigned as the chairperson of The Chambers – Advocates of Zimbabwe. Mpofu, known for starring in major cases and his colourful presentations, will be replaced by Advocate Regina Mabwe. Mpofu is the legal advisor to main opposition CCC leader Nelson Chamisa. He has represented Chamisa and the opposition in general on some electoral disputes,…

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Tahabangu wins again as 23 recalled CCC candidates are removed from the 3 February 2024 ballot

Tahabangu wins again as 23 recalled CCC candidates are removed from the 3 February 2024 ballot

Sengezo Tshabangu wins again as 23 recalled CCC candidates are removed from the 3 February2024 ballot CCC’s interim secretary-general Sengezo Tshabangu yesterday dealt the party’s beleaguered leader Nelson Chamisa yet another blow after High Court Judge Justice Pisirayi Kwenda ruled in favour of his application that the names of 23 party candidates be removed from the ballot papers to be used in the February 3 by-elections. Those barred from contesting in the polls to be…

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CCC leader Chamisa hints on alternative as Sec Gen TSHABANGU fights on

CCC leader Chamisa hints on alternative as Sec Gen TSHABANGU fights on

CCC leader Chamisa hints on alternative as CCC Sec gen Tshabangu fights on While 2023 was dramatic politically, this year seems to be a continuation of more drama. Last year closed with Sengezo Tshabangu’s axe hanging around the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa and his allies. Tshabangu’s recall of CCC elected officials forced by-elections in December that saw Zanu-PF winning seats in Matabeleland and this year opens with another leg of by-elections…

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