POLICE SHOOT A GOLD PANNER DEAD AND INJURE FIVE OTHERS AFTER a violent mob of machete wielding gold panners charge at them

POLICE SHOOT A GOLD PANNER DEAD AND INJURE FIVE OTHERS AFTER a violent mob of machete wielding gold panners charge at them

The Inyathi Matebeleland North area gold panners reportedly charged at the armed cops wielding machetes and axes at Acuutes Farm.

The five illegal miners who were arrested are Prince Ngwenya (37) of Silobela, Cosmos Ndlovu (34) of Nkayi, Clever Ntakhana (39), Nhlanhla Ncube (34) and Orderly Nzombane (43) all from Inyati area in Bubi district.

Police recovered an okapi knife from

Sources claim the panner who was shot dead is Alpha Mabhena (23) of Mbangwa village in Nkayi. Axes, shovels, machetes, chisels and knobkerries were also recovered at the scene by police.

“At around 4pm, the illegal miners, who were armed with machetes and axes, started charging towards the eight armed cops. Constable Mandindo, who was armed with an FN riffle, fired six warning shots in the air after seeing that the mob was advancing at them,” .

“The warning shots could not deter the mob as it continued to charge towards the police officers and eventually Mandindo shot Mabhena once on the left shoulder. He was armed with an axe and a knobkerrie and he died on the spot.”

Police managed to arrest five other gold panners. Sibusiso Ngwenya – NewsDay

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