ZIMBABWEAN 21, EVERTON DUBE FROM Tsotsi B village stabbed John Dube from Mberengwa on the stomach, to death over less than 50 p fare

ZIMBABWEAN 21, EVERTON DUBE FROM Tsotsi B village stabbed John Dube from Mberengwa on the stomach, to death. over less than 50 p fare (ZWL$10) with an Okapi knife. Another life lost over less than 50p because of , ironically Everton Dube 21 who comes from Tsotsi B village in Filabusi .
John Dube had his murderer Everton Dube a lift Tsotsi is defined in the dictionary as a young black gangster and in this case Dube demanded some of the fare paid , back since he was seated in the ‘dog section’ or loading box of the open Ford Ranger double cab from Zvishavane to Mbalabala, driven by the now deceased John Dube . When Dube arrived at the Mberengwa turn off he picked up three more passengers who were going to Skuta and they agreed to pay $55 each.
“Upon dropping off at Skuta Everton Dube demanded back $10 from the driver after complaining that he travelled uncomfortably as he had been seated in the loading box and it was windy,” he said.
Dube the driver disembarked from the vehicle in order to resolve the matter with Everton the passenger.
Instead Everton produced an Okapi knife and stabbed Dube on the stomach leaving his intestines protruding.
Other passengers rushed to Dube’s aid while Everton removed the keys from the ignition and fled with them.
The shocked passengers stopped another vehicle which ferried Dube to the nearest hospital but he died along the way.
The police then arrested Everton while at his home-Sibusiso Ngwenya
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