AFTER debating Coloureds,Goffals, Kleuringe in Zimbabwe, Lets talk about shift of trust from one political era to another

Last night I attended Tuku@65 birthday bash at the Marriot Hotel in Waltham Abbey London. During that exclusive show for a limited small group at the four star hotel, while celebrating the life of a great Musical legent to whose music I grew up listening to and still enjoy doing so primarily because of the deep meaning behind the messages, it dawned on me that we fail to appreciate the truth or rather shy away from acknowledging it particularly where it touches on issues closer to home, so lets talk about it now!

In recent debates, people waded into the debate on Coloured, a.ka. Goffals in Zimbabwe but we must be honest with ourselves and take a deep self introspection into all that is happening or unfolding right before our eyes. From 18 April 1980, Zimbabweans were generally made to believe that Zambians were not to be trusted. remember those were the days of Zambians pushing bags of worthless cash in wheel barrows just to buy a loaf of bread and maybe a bar of soap and a ‘lion beer’, hence the common joke that Zambians would say ‘if you want a lion go to the bush’.

Anyway, as time progressed and things settled in Zambia while our 93 year old dictator continued to rule with an iron fist, in the 90’s we then began to understand that Nigerians are the least trustworthy Africans in any transaction.

Interestingly towards the late nineties, that element of a criminal people who cant be trusted now shifted again to South Africa. South Africans became the biggest bank robbers, murderers and anything bad on earth in the face of Zimbabweans.

However by 2000 onwards it now became evident to all that in actual fact, the real snakes or untrustworthy people are our own kith and kin,..precisely Zimbabweans. All over the world across the diaspora, starting from next door in South Africa where crime stretching from bank robbery, gun crime, car theft, murder etc can now be associated with fellow Zimbabweans.

They have even managed to import their criminal skills for use back home on Zimbabwean soil. Suffice it is to say in actual fact, the real snakes or untrustworthy people are our own kith and kin,..precisely Zimbabweans.

In my view, why cotton ball the truth.It would be interesting to hear how many would risk it and place all their faith and trust blindly into the hands of a fellow Zimbabwean, this time Blacks, Mubhoyi, Muntumnyama our own blood, etc in this day and age,..I’m just saying, is your life that worthless,..REALLY?
DISCUSS! By Sibusiso Ngwenya

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