NASA Kepler Spacecraft Goes Into Emergency Mode, 75 Million Miles Form Earth

NASA scientists are trying to save NASA Planet hunting KEPLER spacecraft which was launched in 2009 , after it became stuck in emergency mode and is reportedly losing large amounts of fuel. Kepler is now in orbit 75 million  miles from earth.
KEPLER which has so far discovered 5000 planets, is looking for planets around stars and searching for planets similar to earth in terms of life or conditions in which life can exist.
Photo-astronomynow-Nasa’s Kepler Planet hunting space craft. 

The space observatory sits 75 million miles away, finding planets deep in the universe — partly in an attempt to find “other earths” where life might be. But it is having trouble doing so, and has been placed in emergency mode.

The problem was identified by mission control who were working on shifting the telescope  towards the Milky Way. By Sibusiso Ngwenya

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