Nasa Kepler Space Telescope Discovers ‘Kepler 452 B’ A Planet, Older And Similar To Earth, In The Milky Way

Nasa’s Kepler space telescope has made what could be the greatest discovery since the launch of the telescope in 2009, by  identifying a planet very similar to Earth in the Milky Way. It is possible that the planet holds water, a primary ingredient for the existence of life,

By Nasa’s view,this is the real equivalent of finding something that the human race have dreamed about for thousands of years,typically,another earth somewhere out there. The new world is known as Kepler 452 B.

This development of the planet,which is about 1400 light years from ours, raises the possibility of there being life elsewhere on a habitable planet. Kepler 452 B is older and bigger than our own earth and is considered the closest match to our own earth and may hold life. Using mordern day space craft or the fastest space craft in place currently, to travel the distance of 1400 light years to Kepler 452 B would take roughly 25 million years to reach the destination.

Kepler 452 B is 60% bigger , warmer than earth and circles a star just like our earth does round the sun . A year on Kepler 452 B is just 20 days longer than a year on our world.  By Sibusiso Ngwenya

photo-The artist’s concept of an Earth-size planet orbiting  a distant star in the habitable zone.Credits: NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech

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