‘If You Ever Dream Of Beating Me, You Better Wake Up And Apologise!’-Muhammad Ali Has Died.

 Three Times World champion, and Olympic Gold Medalist, the fast, agile, big hearted, entertainer, muslim, legendary boxer, arguably the most famous  name on the globe, boxer Muhammad Ali has died, after being rushed to hospital, over a day ago due to breathing difficulties and eventually ending up in ICU yesterday. He was born,  Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr on January 17, 1942,  and passed away at the age of 74  suffering from parkinson disease since 1984, having…

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‘Twelve People Died In Kombi Head-On Collision Along Mutare Chimanimani Road-No Survivors From Both vehicles’

AT least 12 people were killed yesterday evening in a head-on collision involving a Toyota Regius and a Nissan Caravan kombi along the Mutare-Chimanimani Road. The accident happened about 15km out of Mutare soon after sunset when the Toyota Regius, which was travelling from Mutare, had a tyre burst resulting in the driver losing control. The vehicle veered off its lane resulting in a head-on collision with the Nissan Caravan kombi which was coming from…

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‘Talking About Mugabe’s Succession Is Criminal, A Sin, Coup, Treason, Subversion And Insubordination!’-VP Mphoko

  ACTING President Phelekezela Mphoko yesterday admonished some members of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association (ZNLWVA) for endorsing a candidate to succeed President Robert Mugabe while he is still in office. Addressing an extraordinary Zanu-PF Matabeleland North Provincial Coordinating Committee meeting in Lupane, Cde Mphoko said such former freedom fighters were engaging in taboo and treasonous acts. He was responding to reports in the private media on Wednesday where ZNLWVA spokesperson Cde Douglas…

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Deputy Mines Minister Fred Moyo Concealed Deaths And Delayed Rescue By Two Months At His Four Stampers Mine In Chegutu.

Deputy Mines minister Fred Moyo has been accused of concealing a fatal accident at his mine, delaying the rescue for two months,Daily News reported Friday. Four illegal miners have been found dead, trapped under his Four Stampers Mine in Chegutu. Chief Ngezi, under whose jurisdiction the mine lies, told the Daily News yesterday that he and his people had begun excavating the minister’s mine after realising that several people had been trapped underground. It was…

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Globetrotter Mugabe, Has Flown From Papua New Guinea To Singapore

Globetrotter Mugabe, Has Flown From Papua New Guinea To Singapore

President Robert Mugabe is now in Singapore after attending the 8th Summit of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States in Papua New Guinea which ended yesterday. Mugabe frequents Singapore for medical attention. Acting Information Minister Supa Mandiwanzira said he was out of office and unaware of the Singapore trip. Source: newsday

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Panic Buying As Shops Limit Customer Purchases, Ration And Hoard, Basic Commodities, Ahead Of Bond Notes

Panic Buying As Shops Limit Customer Purchases, Ration And Hoard, Basic Commodities, Ahead Of Bond Notes

Panic buying of basic commodities has gripped most parts of Zimbabwe ahead of injection of bond notes in October. Most retail outlets are limiting number of commodities purchased by customers. For instance, clients are restricted to buying one  bottle of two litre cooking oil. Also under rationing is flour, sugar and salt. Some people fear a critical shortage of food is looming, hence resorting to  hoarding. by Thobekile Zhou  Source: Byo24News

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‘I Will Personally Mobilize Zimbabweans To Occupy And Confiscate Mugabe’s Blue Roof Mansion’-Democracy Activist

President Robert Mugabe’s private mansion known as the Blue Roof. Exiled human rights defender and democracy activist Nkosilathi Emmanuel Moyo (29) has made sensitive assertions that he is planning to mobilize people in the post Mugabe era to occupy and confiscate President Mugabe’s private mansion known as the Blue Roof. The multi-million dollar mansion which is located in Borrowdale, Harare was built at a time millions of Zimbabweans were wallowing in abject poverty and it…

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BREAKING THE SILENCE:-Social Media Plays A Huge Role, In Ending Fear Of The Despot, That Dominates Zimbabwe

BREAKING THE SILENCE:-Social Media Plays A Huge Role, In Ending Fear Of The Despot, That Dominates  Zimbabwe

  Those who underestimate the power of social media in our current fight against injustice by Mugabe’s despotic regime need to rethink. The greatest challenge we have hindering the fight for total emancipation and disintegration of the tyrant is fear gripping the people of Zimbabwe. The social media is playing a big role in ending the fear of the despot that is engulfing people of Zimbabwe. Any civil disobedience campaign can only succeed if people…

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‘RENAMO Bandits, Have Shot And Killed Three Mt Selinda High School Teachers And Abducted Some Students ‘

Mozambique’s Afonso Dhlakama Renamo forces reportedly attacked a health facility in Mt Selinda killing three Zimbabweans. Reports indicate that a group of bandits entered Zimbabwe seeking medication. They reportedly killed three people. The Zimbabwe Military Police informants said the attack occurred at Mt Selinda High School around 7pm Wednesday” and shot down 3 teachers taking some students into captivity. “Some of the students fled to the forest” “Informants has it that he was on a…

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Police Arrest 10 Matshetshe Vigilantes Over Matshetshe Arson Attacks On Suspected Cattle Rustlers

  POLICE in Gwanda have arrested 10 people from Matsheshe area under Chief Masuku who were part of more than 200 villagers who went on a rampage armed with machetes and axes on Wednesday and burnt down three homesteads belonging to suspected cattle rustlers. A manhunt has also been launched for the suspected ring leader of the cattle rustlers, Lovemore Moyo, whose homestead was also destroyed in the mayhem. Matabeleland South police spokesperson Assistant Inspector…

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