Pardoned Gutu Convict (36) Hangs Himself After Wife Failed To Visit Him In Prison, And Is Allegedly Cheating On Him

Pardoned Gutu Convict (36) Hangs Himself After Wife Failed To Visit Him In Prison, And Is Allegedly Cheating On Him

AN ex-convict from Gutu who was last week released from prison on Presidential Amnesty committed suicide by hanging, after accusing his wife of cheating on him while he was incarcerated. Ishmael Zinyoro, 36, of Munangarwa Village under Chief Gutu was found hanging in their matrimonial bedroom by his wife when she returned home from fetching water from a nearby well. Zinyoro went home following his release from Mutimurefu Prison in Masvingo when he was pardoned…

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200 Gwanda Villagers Armed With Axes, Burn Down Homes Of Stock Theft Suspects’

OVER 200 villagers from Matshetshe area under Chief Masuku in Gwanda yesterday armed themselves with machetes and axes and burnt down three homesteads belonging to suspected cattle rustlers in Insindi. They descended on Insindi resettlement area baying for the blood of the suspected stock thieves and gave an ultimatum to people who were resettled in the area to move elsewhere if they did not want to be burnt alive. The mob went to the homestead…

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Bulawayo’s West Park Cemetery Is Now Permanantly Closed As Its Full To Capacity

Bulawayo’s West Park Cemetery Is Now Permanantly Closed As Its Full To Capacity

Bulawayo City council has closed  West Park Cemetery as it has run out of burial space. It was closed last Friday. The local authority has said only Luveve cemetery is operational, but it is also fast running out of space. A new site in Pumula  South meant to save the situation yet to be gazetted. Recently, council started limiting burials at West Park to 10 per day and moved all burials of children to Luveve…

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Zimbabwean Man (23) Beheads His Dad, Removes Palm And Insides Because Sangoma Said Its A ‘Get Rich Quick Ritual’

Zimbabwean Man (23)  Beheads His Dad, Removes Palm And Insides Because Sangoma Said Its A ‘Get Rich Quick Ritual’

  A man from Chikombedzi in Chiredzi has appeared in court after chopping off his father’s head with a machete and then removed some parts which he said were to be used for rituals that were going to make him rich. Masvingo Mirror reported that Rodrick Chauke (23) of Davata Village, under Chief Sengwe in Chikombedzi, chopped off his father`s head and removed his right hand after he was allegedly told by a traditional healer…

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Jonathan Moyo Finally Admits, Itai Dzamara ‘Could Have Been Abducted’.

Jonathan Moyo Finally   Admits, Itai Dzamara ‘Could Have Been Abducted’.

HIGHER and Tertiary Education minister and Zanu PF politburo member, Jonathan Moyo has said missing activist, Itai Dzamara could indeed have been abducted. Dzamara, who is believed to have been abducted by suspected State security agents near his Harare home in March last year after staging a series of solo anti-President Robert Mugabe protests, has grabbed global attention with opposition parties and diplomats based in Harare accusing government of not doing enough to account for…

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Minister Undenge , Must Take Responsibility For Corruption At ZPC, Resign Or Be Fired Over Chivayo Tender

It is not new for ZANU (PF) Ministers to interfere in the running of state enterprises which fall under their mandate, in fact that is all they ever do as they scheme on how to make money from any tenders, projects or contracts that are currently in play. As we at PDP have stated before, in Zimbabwe we have a ZANU (PF) looting machine whose sole business is to plunder our resources with no remorse…

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‘Undenge Pressured Us To Pay Chivayo US$5m Without Guarantee To Protect Public Funds’.-ZPC

  Energy and Power Development Minister Dr Samuel Undenge reportedly pressured the Zimbabwe Power Company to pay Wicknell Chivayo’s Intratek Zimbabwe $5 million in the absence of a bank guarantee to protect public funds. Chivayo yesterday admitted to receiving payment without a guarantee as specified in the contract to construct a 100 Megawatt solar plant in Gwanda. Chivayo said it was difficult for a local company to raise a bank guarantee, hence the decision to…

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French Ship Detects Signals From Crashed, Missing Egypt Airline Black Boxes In The Mediterranean Sea

French Ship Detects Signals From Crashed, Missing  Egypt Airline Black Boxes In The Mediterranean Sea

CAIRO — Egypt said Wednesday that a French ship has picked up signals from deep under the Mediterranean Sea, presumed to be from black boxes of the EgyptAir plane that crashed last month, killing all 66 passengers and crew on board.   The development raised hopes the plane’s flight data and cockpit voice recorders, known as the black boxes, could be retrieved and shed light on the aircraft’s tragic crash. In Cairo, the Civil Aviation…

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Extreme Cold Temperature Experienced In Lower Gweru After A Never Before Seen Heavy Sleet Fall

 THE Meteorological Services Department has described the “snow” that fell in Lower Gweru last Friday as a rare sleet phenomenon that has taken place in the country for the first time in history. In an interview following a visit to Matshabeleni and Sikombingo Villages in Lower Gweru yesterday, the head of public weather services in the Meteorological Services Department, Tich Zinyemba, said sleet was precipitation in the form of ice pellets created by the freezing…

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Bulawayo Man ‘Steals’ Stillborn Baby From Mpilo Mortuary And Buries The Corpse At Luveve Cemetry

IN a bizarre case, a man from Bulawayo misrepresented himself as the father of a stillborn child before taking the body from and burying it at Luveve Cemetery. Tineyi Machipanda pleaded guilty to supplying false information for a stillbirth when he appeared before magistrate Evelyn Mashavakure yesterday. He was remanded in custody to June 3, 2016. Machipanda told the court that he committed the offence just to “assist” in the burial process. The man is…

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