Suspended Prosecutor General Tomana Recruited Over 12 Military Officers To Do Admin Work In His Office

Suspended Prosecutor General Tomana Recruited Over 12 Military Officers  To Do Admin Work In His Office

Prosecutor-general Johannes Tomana is being accused of violating the Constitution after engaging the services of senior army officers to do administration work in his office, the Daily News can reveal. More than a dozen military officers are working in the Prosecutor-General’s office, including a colonel and four majors. The Daily News understands Tomana requested the army officers’ deployment to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) in a letter to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa as Justice minister…

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Ministry Of Health and Child Care Declare There Will Be No cash Upfront Payments For Medical Aid Holders

Ministry Of Health and Child Care Declare There Will Be No cash Upfront  Payments For Medical Aid Holders

  MEDICAL aid card holders will not be required to pay cash upfront come July 1, 2016; has said. The deputy minister said medical insurers who fail to remit claims to service providers by June 30 will lose their licences. “We will not allow that to happen. There is no way subscribers will lose cover. “The medical aid industry is required by law to pay claims within 60 days of them receiving claims from service…

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‘ Major Blitz On Corruption, Involves Raids On Ministries, Parastatals, Harare City Council , And Housing Co-op s’

‘ Major Blitz On Corruption, Involves Raids On  Ministries, Parastatals, Harare City Council , And Housing Co-op s’

    Government is on a major anti-corruption operation, with investigators raiding ministries, parastatals, Harare City Council and housing co-operatives last Thursday and Friday. Arrests can be made as early as this week. The alleged crimes include fraud, disregarding tender procedures and setting up parallel salary and allowance structures.Arrests can be made as early as this week. The Sunday Mail has established that Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission officials and police confiscated documents with key evidence after being…

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‘Rebecca Malope Reveals That, Vuyo Mokoena Was A Zimbabwean, Who Came To South Africa As A (6) Year Old’

VUYO Mokoena took a secret to his grave only known by his closest gospel music friend ‘Sis Ribbs’ Rebecca Malope, reported a newspaper. The big secret is that Vuyo Mokoena who passed on in 2008 succumbing to a brain tumor was Zimbabwean by birth. At the time of his death, he had taken a sabbatical from music as he battled blood cancer and leukemia. “Vuyo was Zimbabwean. The fact that I didn’t know for years…

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Gwanda Man Brutally Murdered, As Revenge In A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Gwanda Man Brutally Murdered, As Revenge In A Case Of Mistaken Identity

A GWANDA man was last Monday brutally killed in a “cross fire” revenge mission after being mistaken to be the brother of a man who killed his rival suitor in a dispute over a woman early this year. Fortune Ndlovu (26) of Matshetsheni area under Chief Masuku was allegedly stoned and stabbed twice, on the chin and on the left side of the chest after Mduduzi Ncube (20), Fanuel Sibanda and (25) and Zekias Tshabangu…

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A (51) Year Old Bulawayo, Soldier On Death Row Is Pardoned After 26 Years

A (51) Year Old Bulawayo, Soldier On Death Row Is  Pardoned After   26 Years

IN 1990, the Government introduced an economic blueprint — Economic Structural Adjustment Programme — which became commonly known as Esap. Esap would grow in popularity to become one of the most commonly talked about economic blueprints after Independence. Even today it is still being discussed as the starting point of the economic path the country travelled through since then. While for many Zimbabweans, 1990 is remembered for Esap, for Edmos Hadebe, then a 25-year-old young man…

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‘Prophet Magaya,Fleeces People’s Money, And Makes Pro- Zanu PF Staments Over Bond Notes’-Temba Mliswa

‘Prophet Magaya,Fleeces People’s Money, And Makes  Pro- Zanu PF  Staments Over Bond Notes’-Temba Mliswa

Youth Advocacy for Reform and Democracy (Yard) leader Temba Mliswa has challenged Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries founder Walter Magaya to join politics if he wants to comment on political issues.Addressing hundreds of youths in Chitungwiza at a public meeting organised by the Youth Forum Zimbabwe on Thursday, Mliswa claimed Magaya’s comments on the introduction of bond notes were in support of Zanu PF. Magaya last week told journalists that bond notes were a…

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‘Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) Denies , Plane Crash, At Katanga Range In Kwekwe And Death Of Four Pilots’

The Air Force of Zimbabwe (AFZ) has refuted claims that one of its light fighter planes crashed at Katanga Range in Kwekwe and killed the four pilots on board. AFZ Group Captain and Director Operations Alphious Gwata said reports by some media organisations alleging an AFZ plane crash in Kwekwe is false. He said although the Air Force conducts night flying, all its aircrafts for such exercises returned to their bases safely. Gwata also added…

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US Warns Of Islamist Militant Attacks On South Africa Shopping Malls

South African officials say country’s security agencies ‘very much capable’ of maintaining safety of all local people – including Americans A shopping center in Cape Town. The US has warned of possible attacks on such facilities. Photograph: Alamy Reuters in Johannesburg The United States warned its citizens on Saturday of possible attacks by Islamist militants on US facilities or shopping malls in South Africa during the coming month of Ramadan. The South African government, however,…

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ZIFA -Zimbabwe International Football Association, Dissolved, CEO Rushwaya, Musavengana Banned For Life

ZIFA -Zimbabwe International Football Association, Dissolved, CEO Rushwaya, Musavengana Banned For Life

Zimbabwe’s soccer governing body, ZIFA, has been dissolved with immediate effect and life bans on two former officials have been issued. The association reached the decision today at its EGM in Mount Hampden. The association will essentially not exist anymore and is set to be replaced by a new body, which will be formed under a new name. Indications are the new name might be FAZI. The move is meant to enable the embattled association…

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