Why Abducted Itai Dzamara’s Brother, ‘Patson Dzamara ,Was Recently Arrested , By Mugabe’s Zanu PF Regime.

Why Abducted Itai Dzamara’s Brother, ‘Patson Dzamara ,Was Recently Arrested , By Mugabe’s Zanu PF Regime.

Mugabe’s Arrest Of Patson Dzamara, is designed to dampen the Zimbabwean people;s resolve to occupy and hold protests at Africa Unity Square, and also instil fear amongst the ever growing public calls for government accountability on Itai Dzamara‘s abduction and dissapearance in March 2015. Bring Back Itai Dzamara,! By Sibusiso Ngwenya photo-Itai dzamara Lying unconscious after assault by police at Africa Unity Square

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Bulawayo Councillors Continue Land Grab, Allocating Themselves Stands And Leases Under Unclear circumstances, Despite Government Warning On Corruption,

Bulawayo Councillors Continue Land Grab, Allocating Themselves Stands And Leases Under Unclear circumstances, Despite Government Warning On Corruption,

BULAWAYO councillors have reportedly continued with their alleged land and property grab in the city, with some allocating themselves unsubstantiated lease agreements despite the Government warning them against the move. Some of the councillors face the prospects of being suspended as results of an inquiry on corruption allegations levelled against them, inclusive of the awarding of the leases and stands under unclear circumstances, is under Government scrutiny. According to council documents, Ward 2 councillor, Sithabile…

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Uproar On Bond Notes to Is Simply Political Disunity Among Zimbabweans-Ex-Governor (RBZ) Gideon Gono

Uproar On Bond Notes to Is Simply Political Disunity Among Zimbabweans-Ex-Governor (RBZ) Gideon Gono

FORMER Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor Gideon Gono has broken his silence on the recent decision by his successor, John Mangudya to introduce bond notes into the economy.Gono left his job at the expiry of a turbulent 10-year tenure in 2013, after presiding over a record-breaking inflationary era widely blamed on his quasi-fiscal operations as central bank chief. During the period, Gono printed bearer cheques in a bid to contain a revolting economy, a…

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Three Zimbabwean Suspects In The Kuwait Human Trafficking Syndicate Appear In Court

Three Zimbabwean Suspects In The Kuwait Human Trafficking Syndicate Appear In Court

THREE suspects believed to be part of a human trafficking syndicate that lured desperate job seekers to Kuwait where they were badly treated and forced into prostitution have appeared in court. Edison Mudonhi (45), Gilson Mugumo (41) and Helen Tambanewako (37) were charged with contravening sections of the Trafficking in Persons Act when they appeared in court last week. They were granted $500 bail and remanded to July 7. Allegations are that on February 19,…

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Harare Tout Is Run Over By Bus He Came Off, At Illegal Pick Up Point Btn Chitepo And Tongogara Avenues.

A HARARE tout was killed by a bus at an illegal pick-up point along Sam Nujoma Street on Sunday afternoon, Herald reported. The illegal bus stop has become a menace to pedestrians, motorists and residents along the stretch of road between Herbert Chitepo and Josiah Tongogara avenues. The tout, whose name could not be established by the time of going to print, was in his early 20s. An eyewitnesses told the state controlled publication that…

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After Mugabe’s Threat, A Panicking, ‘Mnangagwa, Chief Gukurahundi Architect’, Has Disowned War Veterans , Military Officials And Publicly Begged Mugabe For Mercy.

After Mugabe’s Threat, A Panicking, ‘Mnangagwa, Chief Gukurahundi Architect’, Has Disowned War Veterans , Military Officials And Publicly Begged Mugabe For Mercy.

Sensing danger, Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa  was apparently forced to beg for his political life in the warring Zanu-PF on Thursday, disowning restless war veterans and other senior ruling party officials in the process who have been agitating for him to succeed President Robert Mugabe. Consistently reliable Zanu-PF sources told the Daily News yesterday that the embattled VP had allegedly taken the humiliating decision of begging Mugabe for mercy publicly, saying he had nothing to…

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Mphoko’s Damning Report Of Mnangagwa’s Faction Evoked Mugabe’s Gukurahundi Threats To War veterans,

Mphoko’s Damning Report Of  Mnangagwa’s Faction Evoked Mugabe’s Gukurahundi Threats To War veterans,

Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko recently presented a damning report to President Robert Mugabe on the activities of war veterans that stopped short of accusing them of treason, it has emerged. A furious Mugabe last week lashed out at the war veterans, describing them as dissidents for allegedly threatening war should Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa fail to succeed the 92-year-old leader. Senior Zanu-PF officials said Mugabe’s shocking statement, which evoked memories of the 1980s Gukurahundi atrocities, was motivated…

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50 Shot Dead In Florida Nightclub, After Shooter Reportedly Pledged ISIS Allegiance

Last year alone, the USA experienced a total of 372 mass shootings, but in the early hours of today, 50 people were massacred in a shooting in a gay bar in Orlando, , the worst  in U.S. history  at about 2 am USA time.  Orlando city  declared a state  of emergency due to the attack.  The shooter, has been  named by authorities, as a 29 year old man Omar Saddiqui Mateen, a trained security guard,  from Fort Pierce. Omar Saddiqui…

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Mugabe’s Threat To Unleash, A Murderous Gukurahundi Upon War veterans Is Evidence Of His 2008, Blood Thirsty Attempt To Butcher Zimbabweans

Mugabe’s Threat To Unleash, A Murderous Gukurahundi Upon War veterans Is Evidence Of His 2008, Blood Thirsty Attempt To Butcher Zimbabweans

,   We all remember that in March 2008, Zimbabwe experience a tumultous time, because of unprecedented electoral violence before and post the 29 March 2008 general election.   Mugabe, Zanu PF stalwarts and securocrats had lost relevance because of the continued suffering and hunger across Zimbabwe and the people were clearly hungry for a change of power due to economic situation.   General elections were held in Zimbabwe on 29 March 2008 to elect…

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Ignore Social Media, Zimbabwe Can Never Run Out Of Food – Zanu-PF Industry and Commerce Minister Mike Bimha

Ignore Social Media, Zimbabwe Can Never Run Out Of Food – Zanu-PF Industry and Commerce Minister Mike Bimha

  Industry and Commerce Minister Mike Bimha reportedly said no food shortages will be experienced in the country contrary to social media reports circulating that basic commodities were becoming scarce in supermarkets. In an interview with Sunday News on Saturday, Industry and Commerce Minister Mike Bimha said there was a lot of panic among people that came after a lot of misinformation circulated following the announcement by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe to introduce a…

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