‘ Importing Maize From ‘Zambia’, Another El-nino Victim, Is Proof Of Zimbabwe’s Failed Agricultural Strategy’

‘ Importing Maize From ‘Zambia’, Another El-nino Victim, Is Proof Of  Zimbabwe’s Failed Agricultural Strategy’

An MDC-T MP Costa Machingauta has questioned Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development Minister Joseph Made if it was government policy that one has to produce Zanu PF card to get maize. This was after rumours swell that some Zanu PF officials were demanding Zanu PF cards for the people to access the maize being distributed by government. “I want to thank the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development on the update of importation of…

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Mugabe Urges Chinese To Bring Own Wives, Bank Cash, And Calls For The Castration Of Child Abusers

Mugabe Urges Chinese To Bring Own Wives, Bank Cash, And Calls For The Castration Of Child Abusers

ZANU-PF First Secretary President Mugabe yesterday criticised some Chinese businessmen for failing to deposit their cash into local banks and instead, smuggling it to their home country. He also rapped them for not bringing along their wives when working on projects that ran for several years, saying this could lead them to prey on local girls. President Mugabe said this while addressing members of the revolutionary party’s National Consultative Assembly at the Zanu-PF Headquarters yesterday.Failure to deposit…

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After Complaints From Motorists, Police Will Soon Reduce The Number Of Roadbocks

After Complaints From Motorists, Police Will Soon Reduce The Number Of Roadbocks

Police say they will soon reduce the number of roadblocks following complaints from motorists over their increased presence on the roads. In a statement yesterday, police chief national spokesperson Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba urged Zimbabweans to alert the ZRP whenever they feel there are too many roadblocks in their area. “The Zimbabwe Republic Police has taken note of the roadblock concerns. Measures are now in place to trim these roadblocks. We appeal to the public to…

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‘ Grade 7 Curriculum To Now Include Farming To Resolve Zimbabwe’s Agriculture Crisis’- Lazarus Dokora

‘ Grade 7 Curriculum To Now Include  Farming To Resolve Zimbabwe’s Agriculture Crisis’- Lazarus Dokora

THE government has arranged a trial Grade seven agriculture examination in a move expected to enlighten teachers and pupils on the importance of the subject. The examination is set for this year. Speaking at the Young Farmers’ Clubs Empowerment and Entrepreneurship project launch, Primary and Secondary Education Minister Lazarus Dokora said agriculture was at the centre of the new curriculum.“Agriculture is at the centre of the new curriculum. This wasn’t an accident but a deliberate strategy to…

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Perm Sec Implicates Zhuwao In Controversial Awarding Of Tender To Triple Bottom Line 3BL Owner, Thandi Ngwenya,

Perm Sec Implicates Zhuwao In Controversial Awarding Of Tender To Triple Bottom Line  3BL Owner, Thandi Ngwenya,

YOUTH, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment permanent secretary George Magosvongwe on Thursday told Parliament he played no role in the controversial appointment of Triple Bottom Line Consultancy to spearhead the National Economic Empowerment Strategy introduced by his ministry. Magosvongwe appeared before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment chaired by . He revealed that 3BL consultant owner, Thandi Ngwenya, was brought to the ministry by Minister Patrick Zhuwao. Magosvongwe also distanced himself from a number…

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Itai Dzamara’s Brother, ‘Patson’ And Four Others, Granted US$5000 Bail For Protestiing Against Mugabe’s Misrule

Itai Dzamara’s Brother ‘Patson’ And Four Other Africa Unity Square Protesters, have been  granted US$500 Bail  for protesting  against Mugabe Government misrule The four others are Tatenda Mombeyarara, Makomborero Haruziviishe, Pride Mkono, and Kado. They faced  two courts of robbery and obstructing or defeating the course of justice. The court heard that their arrest was prompted by  women who visited Africa Unity Square where the activists were camping as a build-up to a nation-wide discontent to…

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‘There Is A Need For A Framework To Rationalise Excessive And Unsustainable Teacher Leave Days’-Social Welfare Deputy Minister Tapiwa Matangaidze

‘There Is A Need For A Framework To Rationalise Excessive And Unsustainable Teacher Leave Days’-Social Welfare Deputy Minister Tapiwa Matangaidze

  THERE is a need to review the current framework on vacation leave for teachers as it tends to give them an unfair advantage over other civil servants since they have three months holiday per year coupled with a three months leave entitlement after seven years, Senate heard yesterday. Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Tapiwa Matangaidze said while the government agrees that teachers are entitled to leave, there is need to rationalise the…

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Bulawayo Man, Fatally Stabbed By Friend, At Manwele Beer Garden For Admonishing Him Over Insulting And Threatening His Own Aunt

Bulawayo Man, Fatally Stabbed By Friend, At  Manwele Beer Garden For Admonishing Him Over Insulting And Threatening His Own Aunt

A MAN from Bulawayo allegedly fatally stabbed his friend in a fit of rage for admonishing him after he insulted his aunt. Simon Ncube, 27, allegedly flew into a rage after being chastised by his friend Nkululeko Vuma for insulting his aunt, Rita Nxumalo. Ncube had allegedly threatened his aunt after she refused to sing a song for him in a bar. He allegedly plunged a knife into Vuma’s neck and stomach before calling him a puppy…

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Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc), Vows ‘No Intimidation Will Dampen Its Efforts To Combat Corruption

Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc), Vows ‘No Intimidation Will Dampen Its Efforts To Combat Corruption

THE Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) has defended its decision to raid various government departments, local authorities and parastatals suspected of corruption, saying the body is mandated by the Constitution to act against illicit dealings.   The anti-graft body pounced on several ministries and parastatals as it seeks to gather incriminating evidence against officials suspected of flouting tender procedures, among other crimes. Some of the targeted government departments condemned Zacc’s move, with Information ministry permanent secretary…

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Police Arrest 15 Africa Unity Square Activists Including, ‘Missing Itai Dzamara’s Brother ‘Patson Dzamara’

Police Arrest 15 Africa Unity Square  Activists Including, ‘Missing Itai Dzamara’s Brother ‘Patson Dzamara’

POLICE yesterday arrested 15 activists camped at Africa Unity Square since last week protesting against government’s alleged misrule, NewsDay has learnt. Five of the activists, including Patson Dzamara, the brother of missing activist Itai Dzamara, were arrested in the early hours yesterday morning, while 10 others were picked up later in the afternoon. The activists had vowed to spend 16 days and nights at the square under the #16DayOccupation symbolism against bad governance. Their lawyer…

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