’21 Zims & 2Crew At Hammanskraal Police Stn After Being Robbed, Attacked & Eagle Liner,+1Buses Burnt’

Eagle Liner owner Ghalib Ishaemel told NewsDay that the travellers who were coming from Bulawayo were attacked by protestors who robbed them of all their belongings before setting the bus on fire.Twenty-three Zimbabwean travellers to Johannesburg were on Tuesday morning attacked and robbed after their bus was hijacked by protesting South Africans near Pretoria. Eagle Liner owner Ghalib Ishaemel told NewsDay that the travellers who were coming from Bulawayo were attacked by protestors who robbed…

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‘A Masvingo POSB Branch Has Been Burnt By Angry Depositors’.

  A Masvingo POSB branch has reportedly been burnt by angry depositors.   Unconfirmed reports said the branch ran out of cash with scores of people in the queue.   “Angry depositors have burnt POSB Masvingo after being told that there is no money,” reads a note sent to Bulawayo24.com. Some have imposed a $100 daily withdrawal limit. source-bulawayo24

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‘Mugabe’s Zanu PF Propagandist Jonathan Caught Up In gukurahundi Storm’

‘Mugabe’s Zanu PF Propagandist Jonathan Caught Up In gukurahundi Storm’

Zanu-PF top spin doctor, Jonathan Moyo has made bold claims that Zimbabwe People First leader Joyce Mujuru is making political capital out of Gukurahundi atrocities. Last week, Mujuru was quoted saying once elected as President she will  bring perpetrators to book. More than 20 000 people in Matabeleland and some parts of the Midlands were killed by the fifth brigade. President Robert Mugabe has never apologised only saying it was a moment of madness. Writing…

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‘An Anti Migrant Poster Showing A Queue Of Migrants And Refugees Incites Racial Hatred’-Says Unison’s Dave Prentis

An anti-migrant poster unveiled by Nigel Farage has been reported to the police with a complaint that it incites racial hatred and breaches UK race laws. On Thursday night Dave Prentis, of the Unison union, said he had written to the Metropolitan police about the poster, which shows a queue of mostly non-white migrants and refugees with the slogan “Breaking point: the EU has failed us all.”   Prentis described the Ukip poster as a…

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Government In Efforts To Curb Multiple Farm Ownership

Government In Efforts To Curb Multiple Farm Ownership

GOVERNMENT has stepped up efforts to curb multiple land ownership by gazetting the Land Commission Bill to allow for periodic land audits. This comes as several Zanu PF bigwigs and top government officials have been implicated in corrupt land deals that have seen most of them acquire multiple prime farms at the expense of the general populace. The Bill, gazetted last Friday, will allow the establishment of the Land Commission, whose main task will be…

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‘Opposition Parties Insincerity In Unseating Mugabe And His Zanu PF’

‘Opposition Parties Insincerity In Unseating Mugabe And His Zanu PF’

Opposition party leaders spare a thought for the people you lead. I hate to highlight inadequacies, weaknesses and flaws of our opposition parties’ leaders for the more than 45 opposition political parties currently in the country. This is a dangerous mine field to wonder into and doing it is akin to entering a hungry lion’s den. One will be inviting all sorts of brickbats and unnecessary wrath of the so called democracy activists. But at…

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Malawian (33) Sentenced To Life Imprisonment For Attempting To Kill An Albino

Malawian (33)  Sentenced To Life Imprisonment For Attempting To Kill An Albino

MZUZU. — A court in Malawi’s city of Mzuzu has sentenced to life imprisonment 33-year-old Sam Kaumba for attempting to kill an albino. With panga knives in his hands ready to slice his victim into pieces, the convict was caught red-handed in the bloody act. High Court Judge Dingiswayo Madise ordered that Kaumba be jailed for life on Wednesday for committing one of the worst crimes. The ruling came at the end of a case…

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‘What We Did In The Past, Created Sanctions Against Zimbabwe’-Says Mujuru

‘What We Did In The Past, Created Sanctions Against Zimbabwe’-Says Mujuru

Former Vice-President Joice Mujuru yesterday addressed her maiden rally as an opposition leader, drawing thousands of people and rival opposition leaders in Bulawayo, raising the prospects of a coalition to fight President Robert Mugabe in the 2018 elections.The Zimbabwe People First Party (ZimPF) leader had been lying low since announcing the formation of the party in February. Her rally, held at the iconic Stanley Square, marked the beginning of a series of activities that are…

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‘Child Killer Prophetess Baptism From Hell’

Villagers in P collectively shoulder the blame for not reining in Maud Dzvuke’s weird activities which bore signs of a tragic end. The villagers gave chilling accounts of how the Dzvuke homestead was literary turned into an “impassable zone” as visitors or passers-by were constantly subjected to unsolicited exorcism by the self-styled prophetess Maud. Prior to the tragic death of the six minors, five of whom were under Maud’s care, the infamous “prophetess” had been…

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Gutu Man Kills Mom Over Chicken Dispute And Commits Suicide

Gutu Man Kills Mom Over Chicken Dispute And Commits Suicide

A MAN from Gutu allegedly fatally struck his mother with a pestle and then committed suicide following a dispute over her decision to slaughter a hen for his sister, police confirmed yesterday. Farai Tamanika (32) of Kuchineni Village under Chief Chimombe, allegedly struck Mrs Otilia Sharara (71) four times on the head in protest against her decision to slaughter a hen that had small chicks for his sister who had visited from Zaka. Masvingo police…

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