Two Touts Assault And Kill Newly Wed Pregnant Woman And Unborn Child At Mbudzi Roundabout In Harare

Two Touts Assault And Kill Newly Wed Pregnant Woman And Unborn Child At Mbudzi Roundabout In Harare

TWO suspected touts operating at Mbudzi roundabout in Harare have been nabbed for allegedly punching and causing the death of a 25-year-old pregnant woman last week as she tried to board a Beitbridge-bound bus.Lyn Chidawaya allegedly died with her unborn baby after she was punched in the stomach by the touts. National police spokesperson Chief Superitendent Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident and said two suspects, Chamunorwa Gumboshumba (29) and Shame Ruzha (37), had been arrested…

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Mugabe’s Dirty Tactics, Pitch Zanu PF Factionalists Against Each Other

Mugabe’s Dirty Tactics, Pitch Zanu PF Factionalists Against Each  Other

Zimbabwe’s despot leader, the 92 year old President Robert Gabriel Mugabe is typically, a shrewd man who will always pull the strings so his puppets can dance to his tune. Zanu-PF is a party that is bedevilled  by factionalism between  Zimbabwe’s  vice president  Emmerson Mnangagwa  Team Lacoste and his wife Grace Mugabe’s G 40 faction. Only last week , Mugabe changed the retirement age for serving military officers from 65, lowering it to 50, yet leaving…

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MDC T Spokesman Says Tsvangirai Is In Good Shape And Has Now Been Discharged From Hospital In South Africa

MDC T Spokesman Says Tsvangirai Is In Good Shape And Has Now Been Discharged From Hospital In South Africa

The leader of  Zimbabwe’s  largest opposition, MDC-T leader Richard Morgan Tsvangirai who missed Saturday’s MDC-T protest against a debilitating economy and the people’s suffering under Mugabe’s Zanu PF regime, because he was in hospital, since last week because of ill health,  has been  discharged . Richard Morgan Tsvangirai, was in  a private South African hospital but the MDC T party  spokesperson Luke Tamborinyoka says Morgan Tsvangirai  is well now and  has been released. Tsvangirai reportedly underwent an undisclosed  medical…

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Dangerously Bordering On Being ‘A Zanu PF Mouthpiece, Prophet Magaya Claims Bond Notes Are A Noble Idea’

Dangerously Bordering On Being ‘A Zanu PF Mouthpiece, Prophet Magaya Claims Bond Notes  Are A Noble Idea’

PROPHETIC Healing and Deliverance Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya says the bond notes that are set to be introduced are a noble idea which was not well communicated to the public, hence the outcry among the populace who fear the return of the Zimbabwe dollar. PHD Praise and Worship team members count offerings while Prophet Magaya addresses journalists and congregates during a Wednesday night church service Addressing journalists at a press conference on Wednesday night,…

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BREAKING NEWS: Minister’s Son Caught With US$7 Million Cash In His Car Boot.

BREAKING NEWS: Minister’s Son Caught With US$7 Million Cash In His Car Boot.

BREAKING NEWS: newzimbabwevision is informed that the son to a high powered Minister, a Zanu PF stalwart, cabinet minister who is also a very powerful figure in the financial circles, closely associated to the collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar and introduction of the much hated bond notes, monopoly of wealth and power along with oppression of the suffering masses, has been found with a filthy sum of US$7 Million in cash in his boot.  …

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‘Mtukudzi Could Have Performed At , Million-Man March Under Duress, Considering Zanu PF’s Nature’ -Chipanga

‘Mtukudzi Could Have Performed At , Million-Man March Under Duress, Considering Zanu PF’s  Nature’ -Chipanga

  After Mtukudzi’s featured at Mugabe’s Million Man March, on Africa Day, Musician Hosiah Chipanga , has reportedly defendend , what the majority of the public, viewed as endorsement of Mugabe’s oppression of the people and the  ultimate deceit of the ordinary street person by someone dining with Mugabe’s Black  oppressors of Blacks camp.   Mutukudzi’s perfomance at Mugabe’s Million man March, at a time when Zimbabwean’s are suffering due to the ongoing entropy created…

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Foreigners Flee As Looting And Violence Errupts In Botshabelo, South Africa

FOREIGNERS were forced to close up shop in Botshabelo after unrest that lasted from Sunday night until Tuesday. The unrest was fuelled by apparent dissatisfaction over the people nominated as councillors in the kasi’s different wards as well as by the moving of wards to other sections. Residents from several kasis in the area woke up on Monday to find roads blocked with big stones. Soon after, violent residents began attacking and looting foreign- owned…

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Civil Servants To Sign Wage Slip Receipt Collection Forms, As Government Bids To Flush Out Ghost Workers

Civil Servants To Sign Wage Slip Receipt Collection Forms, As Government Bids To Flush Out Ghost Workers

CIVIL servants are now required to sign up collection forms upon receiving pay slips as the Government moves to clean up the civil service of ghost workers.The move is part of the implementation of civil service audit recommendations made last year which has also seen the Government withholding funding for 2 888 teachers in trust schools. Treasury is set to save US$19,8 million annually. Cabinet is also deliberating a reduction of student teacher allowances from…

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(Bond Notes To Start Circulating In August And Not June 2016)-RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya

(Bond Notes To Start Circulating In August And Not June 2016)-RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya

  Bond notes will start circulating around August 2016 – and not June as previously projected – as their production takes at least four months, central bank RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya has said. Government has also ruled out reintroducing the Zimbabwe dollar “anytime soon”, saying the multi-currency system will remain operational even when bond notes come aboard. The IMF, an official said, supported introduction of bond notes and was satisfied that Zimbabwe’s authorities would…

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Daring Robbers, Steal Bulawayo’s Townsend School Bus

DARING robbers last Monday pounced on Townsend High School in Bulawayo and broke three gates before driving off with the school’s kombi which was parked close to the boarding facilitates, officials have confirmed. The robbers reportedly struck in the early hours of Monday, breaking three gates in the process and escaping with the vehicle unnoticed by the school guard who was manning the premises, and close to a hundred pupils and staff that stay at…

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