(Bond Notes To Start Circulating In August And Not June 2016)-RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya

(Bond Notes To Start Circulating In August And Not June 2016)-RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya

  Bond notes will start circulating around August 2016 – and not June as previously projected – as their production takes at least four months, central bank RBZ Governor Dr John Mangudya has said. Government has also ruled out reintroducing the Zimbabwe dollar “anytime soon”, saying the multi-currency system will remain operational even when bond notes come aboard. The IMF, an official said, supported introduction of bond notes and was satisfied that Zimbabwe’s authorities would…

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Daring Robbers, Steal Bulawayo’s Townsend School Bus

DARING robbers last Monday pounced on Townsend High School in Bulawayo and broke three gates before driving off with the school’s kombi which was parked close to the boarding facilitates, officials have confirmed. The robbers reportedly struck in the early hours of Monday, breaking three gates in the process and escaping with the vehicle unnoticed by the school guard who was manning the premises, and close to a hundred pupils and staff that stay at…

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‘Seed Money, Prophecies On Owning Airlines, False Marriage Promises, 500% Sure Mugabe Isn’t Corrupt, ..hmmn!’

‘Seed Money, Prophecies On Owning Airlines, False Marriage Promises, 500% Sure Mugabe Isn’t Corrupt, ..hmmn!’

It is interesting that today, a woman named ‘Angela Charakupa,’ also a PHD ministries member, has claimed in court that Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) prophet Walter Magaya used and dumped her after falsely promising to marry her and purchase luxuries including a car and flat for her . She is claiming US$500,000 in damages from from prophet Walter Magaya over this saga. Some people may rightly or wrongly accuse her of seeking to fleece…

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‘Shock After 30 Men Gang Rape A Teenager In Brazil, And Post Video Footage Of The Attack On Social Media’

Image copyrightGETTY IMAGESImage captionProtesters in Rio, demanding reforms including better protection from male violence on International Women’s Day in March Brazilian police are hunting more than 30 men suspected of raping a teenage girl in Rio de Janeiro, and of putting video of the attack on social media. The girl, 16, believes she was doped after going to her boyfriend’s house on Saturday and says she woke up in a different house, surrounded by the…

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‘Was The Zanu PF Million Man March , Support, Stupidity, Fear Or A Combination Of All By Suffering Zimbabweans’

  Currently Zimbabwe is reeling under an unprecedented unemployment level well above 90%, collapsed Service Delivery in Health care, Education, Housing, Transport , Electricity and Clean water reticulation systems.  Not in a million years did anyone expect in this day and age that  the 92 year old despot, president Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF could still draw such a crowd in support of their ‘visionless’ pursuit. The filthy rich Mugabe , his Zim 1…

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‘Ex-lover, PHD Ministry Woman, Sues Magaya For US$500,000 For Reneging On Marriage Promise’,

‘Ex-lover, PHD Ministry Woman, Sues Magaya For US$500,000 For Reneging On Marriage Promise’,

  A HARARE woman is suing Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries leader Prophet Walter Magaya for US$500,000 on the grounds that the man of the cloth had a sexual affair with her but reneged on his promise to marry her. The woman, Angela Charakupa, who is a member of PHD, claims Magaya used her and dumped her despite earlier promises to marry her and to buy her a flat and a car. Charakupa is demanding…

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Typically Indifferent Over Bulawayo MDCT Rally, Vascoda Mugabe & Wife Flew To Papua New Guinea Last Night.

Typically Indifferent Over Bulawayo MDCT Rally, Vascoda Mugabe & Wife Flew To Papua New Guinea Last Night.

PRESIDENT Mugabe left the country yesterday to join other Heads of State and Governments attending the 8th summit of African, Caribbean and Pacific group of States (ACP) in Papua New Guinea.The President was accompanied by the First Lady Cde Grace Mugabe, Industry and Commerce Minister Mike Bimha, Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi and permanent secretary Joey Bimha. He was seen off at the Harare International Airport by Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Cabinet Ministers Sydney Sekeramayi and…

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“Mugabe Phuma, Ngena Tsvangirai.” Bulawayo MDC-T March Photos And Updates

[12:06, 28/5/2016] : MDC T supporters have arrived at the Northend square, where the address is scheduled to take place 1223: Abednico Bhebhe is the MC 1230: MDC T Leadership led by Vice President Thokozani Khuphe goes to the stage. MDC T Party Chairman Lovemore Moyo is also present. 1232: Bhebhe says Zimbabweans are sick for allowing Mugabe to lead them. 1240: MDC  T introduces national executive committee members. 1241: Doglous Mwonzora takes to the…

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Pardoned Bulawayo Man (32) , Re-arrested 24hrs Later At Egodini Flea Market With Fake US$1200

Pardoned Bulawayo Man (32) , Re-arrested 24hrs Later At Egodini Flea Market  With Fake US$1200

KHUPEKANI Sibanda, 32, is one of more than 2,000 inmates who were pardoned by President Robert Mugabe on Wednesday, but a day after he was released, he found himself in police cells for attempting to buy clothes using fake United States dollars. Sibanda was arrested after he was found in possession $1,200 in fake notes. He appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Evelyn Mashavakure yesterday charged with possession of articles for criminal use. Sibanda pleaded not guilty…

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Zimbabweans Graduate At Harvard Medical School Through The United States Student Achievers Programme

Photo-EducationUSAZimbabwe-Zimbabwean USAP students  who graduated from Harvard Medical School . Rising from the entropy and suffering in their motherland, a visionary trio, of Zimbabwean USAP students,  comprising  Dr. Portia Chipendo,  Dr. Emmanuel Magara and Dr. Fallon Chipidza have sucessfully  graduated from Harvard Medical School as Zimbabwean USAP students . The three did not let their economic background or standard educational facility backgrounds, hamper their development. Instead they used that as a step to unimaginable heights of achievement including their…

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