From 1st July, All Current Medical Aid Patients Unable To Pay, Will Be Referred To Public Health Institutions

From 1st July, All Current Medical Aid Patients Unable To Pay, Will Be Referred To Public Health Institutions

All patients currently receiving treatment from private doctors using medical aid and are unable to pay cash will be referred to public health institutions come July 1 2016, the Zimbabwe Medical Association has said. Speaking at a press conference held in Harare today, ZiMA president Dr Agnes Mahomva said given the current cash crisis, doctors had been advised to install point of sale payment gadgets in their practices. Dr Mahomva said these strategies were meant…

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An Open Letter To Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe

An Open Letter To Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe

  Robert Mugabe Comrade, hello. I am a loyal citizen of Zimbabwe. On your disastrous Presidency, I write this letter to you, asking you to resign from the Presidency. I make this request, out of consideration for the peoples cause, for the country and the nation’s future, and out of consideration for you and your family’s personal safety. Comrade, you personally served as the leader of the ZANU PF since I was not yet born…

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ZIM-1 Mortorcade Saga: Cops Deny Threatening Mugabe’s Life By Assaulting Motorbike Escort Riders

ZIM-1 Mortorcade Saga: Cops Deny Threatening Mugabe’s Life By Assaulting Motorbike Escort Riders

  The two police officers who were on Monday taken to court for assaulting President Robert Mugabe’s motorcade outriders yesterday denied threatening the life of the 92-year-old leader in any way. Applying for bail through their lawyer only identified as Sithole, Munyaradzi Chivengwa and Lubelihle Nyathi argued that Mugabe was not the complainant in the case.“The State did not substantiate the threat that was posed to His Excellency (Mugabe). The complainant is here in his…

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‘A Medical Centre In Nottingham, Belonging To Grace Mugabe’s Family, Has Been Closed’

‘A Medical Centre In Nottingham, Belonging To Grace Mugabe’s Family, Has Been Closed’

  A medical centre in Nottingham run by a black Zimbabwean doctor has been closed. Zimbabwean exiles have staged repeated demonstrations outside the clinic in protest at the doctor’s violent seizure of a white-owned farm in Zimbabwe. In February the Zimbabwe Vigil protest group presented a petition to 10 Downing Street calling on the government to consider revoking the British citizenship of Dr Sylvester Nyatsuro, who runs the Willows Medical Centre with his wife Veronica….

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Two Cops ‘Assault’ A Motorbike Outrider In Mugabe’s Motorcade To President’s Zvimba Rural Home.

Two Cops ‘Assault’ A Motorbike Outrider In Mugabe’s  Motorcade  To President’s Zvimba Rural Home.

TWO police detectives are in trouble after they assaulted a motorbike out-rider who was leading President Robert Mugabe’s motorcade last weekend. CID officers Munyaradzi Chivengwa, 34, and Lubelihle Nyathi, 26, appeared before magistrate Tendai Mahwe facing charges of “resisting law officers”. Prosecutors told court that the two committed a serious offence as they had no right to disturb the movement of the Presidential motorcade. One Stanley Chimoto is the complainant in the case. According to…

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21 Zimbabwean Fishermen Jailed With Hard Labour For Straying Into Zambian Waters On Lake Kariba

21 Zimbabwean Fishermen Jailed With Hard Labour For Straying Into Zambian Waters On Lake Kariba

THE Siavonga Magistrates Court has passed two controversial judgements in a case involving 21 Zimbabwean fishermen who were arrested for straying into Zambian waters on Lake Kariba. Daily Nation reported that eleven of the 21 fishermen who appeared before Magistrate Victoria Chitobangoma were ordered to K600 each or in default serve 8 months in imprisonment with hard labour while the other group of 10 who appeared before a different Magistrate  were last week sentenced to…

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Property, Including 32 TVs, 5laptops, 5 Mobiles Worth $42,000 Recovered From 2 Bulawayo Armed Robbers

POLICE in the Midlands province have recovered property worth more than $42,000 from two notorious Bulawayo armed robbers. Shadreck Chiduza, 49, of O-50 Njube suburb and his accomplice Killias Maphosa, 45, of 122 Nkenyani Road, Mambo in Gweru were arrested two weeks ago and appeared before Gweru Magistrate Chibanda who remanded them in custody to June 20 for trial. Police yesterday said Chiduza and Abednego Ndlovu, who is currently serving a 17-year sentence for robberies…

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One Of Zimbabwe’s First Medical Docs To Join Liberation Struggle, Ret Brig Gen Muchemwa, Died In Egypt On Sunday

A delegation comprising family members and government officials are headed for Egypt to repatriate the body of Retired Brigadier General Muchemwa who died on Sunday in the North African country. Retired Brigadier General Muchemwa was Special Disability Advisor in the Office of the President and Cabinet, and is a former Healthy Minister. Son to the war veteran, Fungai Makoni Muchemwa revealed that his father died from peripheral nuropath cancer, which had affected his nerves. It…

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House of Lords Reportedly Told That, ‘ Proceeds From Looted Zimbabwe Diamonds Are Stashed In London Banks’.

House of Lords Reportedly Told That, ‘ Proceeds From Looted Zimbabwe Diamonds Are Stashed In London Banks’.

    Investigations into alleged looting of proceeds from the Chiadzwa diamond fields have extended to London following revelations by a British Parliamentarian that some of the money was stashed in the United Kingdom. The Auditor-General’s Office has already invited local and international auditors to investigate firms that mined diamonds in Chiadzwa over the past decade until the Government took over all operations there early this year.   A senior Government official told our Harare…

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‘Corruption’-Mining Dev Sec , Chairs 3 Parastatal Boards Under His Ministry In Breach Of Corporate Governance Code

  Mines and Mining Development secretary Professor Francis Gudyanga, is chairing three parastatal boards that fall under his ministry — a move that has created conflict of interest and flouting of the national code on corporate governance that bars permanent secretaries from sitting on such boards. This comes in the wake of accusations that Prof Gudyanga had also single-handedly hired Mark Mabhudhu from the now dissolved Marange Resources to be the chief executive officer for the…

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