Botswana dissapointed that Omar Al-Bashir fled arrest

Botswana dissapointed that Omar Al-Bashir fled arrest

Botswana yesterday said it was disappointed that Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir fled arrest in South Africa and poked holes on President Robert Mugabe’s claims that Africa does not want the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Botswana government said the African Union (AU) should assist the international community in seeking justice for victims of the genocide in Sudan’s Darfur region. A South African court ordered Bashir’s arrest on Monday, but Al-Bashir, who is wanted by the…

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‘Mugabe stops Mujuru prosecution because the evidence has dissappeared’

‘Mugabe stops Mujuru prosecution because the evidence has dissappeared’

President Robert Mugabe has ordered the state not to prosecute his former deputy, Joice Mujuru, for corruption because the incriminating evidence has disappeared. During her meet the people national rallies where she was campaigning for the Zanu-PF’s Women’s League post last year his wife Grace accused Mujuru of demanding 10% from foreign investors as a bribe. She further alleged that the ousted Vice President flouted tender procedures and defied government’s indigenisation policy by importing chickens…

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‘HIV+ve prisoners released to army & CIO to target and rape MDC-T supporters’

‘HIV+ve prisoners released to army & CIO to  target and  rape MDC-T supporters’

Zanu-PF used HIV-positive prisoners to rape female supporters of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) led by Morgan Tsvangirai during the 2008 presidential run-off period, insiders have claimed.Rape was used as part of the terror campaign against opposition supporters and was a closely guarded weapon involving the security sector. Prison sources told The Zimbabwean that an unknown number of prisoners was released after the March 2008 general elections and and unleashed on women who were…

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MDC-T top official, ‘Silas Matamisa’, dies

MDC-T top official, ‘Silas Matamisa’,  dies

The MDC T party National Spokesperson, Obert Gutu has stated that the MDC-T national executive commitee member Silas Matamisa passed away  at Chinhoyi provincial hospital on Wednesday morning. Obert Gutu stated that Silas Matamisa ,  a devoted party cadre and democrat who was deeply committed to the democratic struggle, was a  diabetes and hypertension patient,  a fine gentleman, well – respected and whose wise counsel and wisdom will be sorely missed. Mourners are gathered at B3318 Gunhill in Chinhoyi. Once,…

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Zimbabwe’s Deputy Home Affairs Minister appeals for assistance in tracing Itai Dzamara’

Zimbabwe’s Deputy Home Affairs Minister  appeals for assistance in tracing Itai Dzamara’

Zimbabwe’s Government , the Robert Mugabe Zanu PF regime has put out a call for assistance , by appealing to the public for any information that could help in finding the whereabouts of the abducted and missing activist, ‘Itai Dzamara’. Itai Dzamara was reportedly abducted nearly 100 days ago and since then no  clues relating  to the kidnapping, of the activist have yet been found and the Zimbabwe government has come under pressure from Australia, France, US  and the…

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Highlanders Bosso No 9 says Nigeria should be embarassed over humiliating Mugabe

Highlanders Bosso No 9 says Nigeria should be embarassed over humiliating Mugabe

Zimbabwe’s vice president who recently received the Highlanders Bosso football club No 9 t-shirt,  Emmerson Mnangagwa  told parliament that the Nigerian regime must  be ashamed over the humiliation of Robert Mugabe by   Sahara TV  journalists in Nigeria recently. Mugabe’s humiliation arose from the fact that a team of Sahara TV journalists way laid him as he walked to his official limousine from the inauguration ceremony of the new Nigerian President,  Mohammadu Buhari,  and  challenged him over his extended  stay…

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Sadc and the AU should help solve Zimbabwe crisis-Obert Gutu (MDC T)

Sadc and the AU should help solve Zimbabwe crisis-Obert Gutu (MDC T)

Zimbabwe is now at the crossroads. Everything that can go wrong has since gone wrong. It is apparent that the Zanu PF regime is totally clueless regarding how to extricate the country from this debilitating economic mayhem and liquidity crunch. We are at the deep end. No amount of propaganda and spin can camouflage the excruciating and grinding poverty that is being experienced by the majority of the people on a daily basis. Something has…

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1400 S.African soldiers ‘held hostage’ in Sudan to secure Al-Bashir safe return

1400 S.African soldiers ‘held hostage’ in Sudan to secure Al-Bashir safe return

The Sudanese government of president Omar al-Bashir literally held a gun to South Africa’s head to secure his safe return to Khartoum. Netwerk24 revealed that about 1 400 South African soldiers in Darfur were held “hostage” by Sudanese troops when the drama around Al-Bashir’s possible arrest in South Africa escalated. According to military experts, this effectively means Sudan blackmailed South Africa and the soldiers’ lives served as a guarantee for Al-Bashir’s safe return. Only after…

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US$5 billion needed to rehabilitate Zimbabwe’s roads & US$400million for Harare

US$5 billion needed to rehabilitate Zimbabwe’s roads & US$400million  for Harare

THE country’s road infrastructure authority sees licence fees collections doubling to $55 million this year from $27 million collected last year, but remains too low to fund the country’s aging road  network,  an official told a Parliamentary committee on Monday. Zimbabwe requires $5 billion to rehabilitate its road network, but with recurrent expenditure accounting for nearly 80 percent of total revenue and worsened by a $10 billion foreign debt overhang, government is unable to close the…

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Zimbabwe’s Zanu PF government, appeals for US$300m to mitigate mass starvation

Zimbabwe’s food situation is on the brink of an outbreak of mass starvation  after the maize harvest generated from last year’s crop fell by at least 50%. This is partly attributed to poor rainfall pattern and mainly to the collapse of Zimbabwe’s once enviable  agricultural sector which fed the African continent but now has collapsed after the disastrous Zanu PF war veteran led, white commercial farm invasion of the early 2000 years. Zimbabwe fell swiftly…

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