‘Mugabe must fire Prosecutor General Tomana now!’ -say Child Rights groups

‘Mugabe must fire  Prosecutor General Tomana  now!’ -say Child Rights groups

CHILD and women’s rights activists have demanded that Prosecutor General Johannes Tomana immediately resigns or, failing that, be fired after he appeared to suggest that 12-year-old girls could consent to sex and that they should be listened to if they wanted to get married. Tomana made the remarks in an interview with the Bulawayo Chronicle but he was beating a hasty retreat Friday after widespread outrage over the comments. Audio recordings of the interview also…

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More Zanu PF damage control as Mugabe castigates ‘Tomana’s girl child marriage ideas’

More Zanu PF damage control as Mugabe castigates ‘Tomana’s girl child marriage ideas’

President Robert Mugabe has commended the child parliamentarians for exhibiting maturity in the debates they carried out during the official opening of the 23rd Session of the Children’s Parliament in Harare today. Mugabe, who was addressing the same gathering, castigated early child marriages saying girls should not be seen as ripe for marriage judging by their physical appearance. He said child marriages cause irreparable damage to girls and denies them the right to personal development…

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Zanu PF Damage control: as ‘Highlander’s No 9’ contradicts Tomana on girl child saga

Zanu PF Damage control:  as ‘Highlander’s  No 9’  contradicts Tomana on girl child saga

THE government disapproves of early child marriages and teenage pregnancies as they are detrimental to the country’s socio-economic growth, Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa (Highlander’s  No 9) said yesterday. VP Mnangagwa said the “business of any child was in the classroom” and young girls and boys should not be deprived of their right to education by being forced into early marriages. Addressing teachers, educationists and parents at the launch of the 2015 Global Action Week which focuses…

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Tomana refused to prosecute ‘ Zanu PF Kereke for raping an 11 year old at gunpoint’

Tomana refused to prosecute ‘ Zanu PF Kereke for raping an 11 year old at gunpoint’

Zimbabwe’s Prosecutor General, Tomana is not new to controversy as he stands accused of failing or rather refusing  to prosecute a  Zanu PF Stalwart,  MP Munyaradzi Kereke who was facing   allegations of raping a minor. This blatant disregard for court  orders compelling him him to do so proved beyond doubt that Zanu PF and Mugabe are a law unto themselves and all else depends on them, not the other way round. The case against Dr Munyardzi Kereke…

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‘Im not easy to get rid of, because I serve at Mugabe’s pleasure’-Tomana

‘Im not easy to get rid of, because  I serve at  Mugabe’s pleasure’-Tomana

PROSECUTOR GENERAL Johannes Tomana says he is not an “easy” man to get rid of adding  he “serves at the President’s pleasure” and those seeking to tarnish his image should not expect to succeed in their agenda.Tomana said this as he came under fire for reportedly saying girls as young as 12 can give consent to sex and should be heard by the courts if they wish to start families with older men. Leading the…

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Zimbabwe’s Prosecutor General Tomana -‘Inviting paedophiles to the party’

Zimbabwe’s Prosecutor General Tomana -‘Inviting paedophiles to the party’

Prosecutor General Tomana is inviting paedophiles to the party, for their common meal, prowling for the vaginal tenderness of the girl-child! Prosecutor General Tomana is speaking on behalf of paedophiles, and giving them some legal statutory framework to go scot free if they are caught! Our society harbours upper-class paedophiles! Paedophiles are “decent men” who one can never suspect to be fondling children to get sexual satisfaction at every opportunity. Paedophiles feel they are entitled…

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Gutu Mupandawana villagers harassed after seeking court order against soldiers

Gutu Mupandawana villagers harassed  after seeking court order against soldiers

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights Communications has said villagers in Gutu, Masvingo province are enduring intimidation and harassment from some soldiers after they petitioned the Gutu Magistrates Court seeking an order to stop the army from destroying their homesteads and crops. “The villagers resorted to legal action after a group of soldiers from 4.2 Infantry Battalion located near Mupandawana Growth Point in Gutu, Masvingo province invaded their farming plots at Chomufuli Farm and set…

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‘Only 1 indigenisation transaction concluded, & all major mining deals ‘abandoned’,

‘Only 1 indigenisation transaction concluded, & all major mining deals ‘abandoned’,

ADVISORY firm Brainworks Capital on Thursday said only one indigenisation deal had been consummated by government, while transactions worth over $1 billion with major platinum mining firms Anglo American Platinum, Impala and Aquarius had been abandoned. Zimbabwe’s Indigenization Act — enacted in 2008 — requires foreign owned companies valued at over $500,000 to cede 51 percent to black locals. The local ownership law has been cited as a major impediment to foreign investment in an…

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Man cuts possessions in half after split from girlfriend

Man cuts possessions in half after split from girlfriend

  The man cut a car, bed, sofa and mobile phone in half When a couple splits up, usually all their shared possessions are divided between them. But one man took it a step further and literally split everything they owned in two. The man, from Germany, used a power tool to cut through items including a car and a bicycle. His former girlfriend reportedly received her share of goods in the post, while the…

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Zimunya man marries 14-year-old for three days, before he is arrested

Zimunya man marries 14-year-old for three days, before he is  arrested

A 20 year old Zimunya man, Barnabas Kumhasi had his three day marriage with a 14 year old cut short after he was arrested. Kumhasi asked the teenager’s hand in marriage from her parents and they consented. According to Manica Post – Kumhasi stayed with the teenager for three days before disappearing. It was later discovered that he had left for South Africa without the knowledge of his ‘new bride’. Kumhasi is now facing charges…

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