Police Arrest Four Criminals Behind 200 Crimes Over Two Years, Including Armed Robberies And Rape

POLICE in Gweru have arrested four men suspected to be behind at least 200 crimes that they committed over two years, among them armed robberies and rape. They have been linked to robberies at gold mines and gang-rape of a woman who had travelled to Bulawayo to attend the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in April. A fifth man, thought to be the leader of the gang, is still on the run. Detectives have reportedly solved dozens…

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UK Astranaught Major Tim Peake’s Precisely Managed Return To Earth After Six Months In Space

    At 3.34am, today, the hatch between the International Space station (ISS) was closed, 250 miles above earth. After 186 days on ISS, today at 652 the Soyuz capsule undocked from the International Space Station (ISS) and separated from International Space Station. The capsule fired off several engine thrusters to push itself clear of the International space station (ISS) and, drifted off to a distance of approximately 12km from the orbiting International Space Station…

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War Vets Blue Ocean Sucession Strategy Document,‘ Anti Mugabe Plot’ Rattles 92 Year Old President Mugabe

War Vets Blue Ocean Sucession Strategy Document,‘ Anti Mugabe Plot’ Rattles 92 Year Old President  Mugabe

 Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko recently presented a damning report to President Robert Mugabe on the activities of war veterans that stopped short of accusing them of treason, it has emerged. A furious Mugabe last week lashed out at the war veterans, describing them as dissidents for allegedly threatening war should Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa fail to succeed the 92-year-old leader. Senior Zanu PF officials said Mugabe’s shocking statement, which evoked memories of the 1980s Gukurahundi atrocities, was…

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After Collapsing Education And, Forcibly Exiling Teachers, Gvt To recruit 10,000 Teachers

After Collapsing Education  And, Forcibly Exiling Teachers, Gvt To recruit 10,000 Teachers

 Government Plans To Recruit 10,000 Teachers. THE Government is set to recruit about 10,000 teachers and headmasters, most of whom will be posted to rural schools in a bid to alleviate the severe shortage of qualified teachers in the country. The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Cde Lazarus Dokora, told Parliament on Wednesday that the greenlight for his Ministry to recruit was given by Treasury last month. He said the government was also looking forward to…

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Bulawayo, Khami Convict Shot Dead, By Police, Allegedly On His Second escape Bid.

Bulawayo, Khami Convict  Shot Dead, By Police, Allegedly On His Second escape Bid.

 AN INMATE at Khami Medium Prison who tried to escape from lawful custody was shot dead on Tuesday. Cabangani Simango, 22, took to his heels as he was working outside the prison premises with about 200 other inmates. Prison officers then went after him and during the search he attempted to attack one of them but she shot him once in the chest. The Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) requested written questions which they…

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A Plumtree Mpoengs Man, Locked 2 Minors, Neighbors kids And Burnt Down Hut In Dispute With Their Dad

A Plumtree Mpoengs Man, Locked 2 Minors, Neighbors kids And Burnt Down Hut In Dispute With Their Dad

MAN ex-jailbird from Plumtree allegedly locked his neighbour’s two children in a kitchen hut before torching the room to fix their father with whom he had a long standing grudge, a magistrate heard. Khulumani Ndebele (32) of Mpoengs was arrested after shoeprints at the scene led villagers to his homestead. The two juveniles escaped unhurt after their father, Mr Cain Ndlovu, heard them screaming and woke up. He found the hut in which his children…

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Construction Of 7,000 Houses For 40,000 Registered Youths For Bulawayo Umvutsha Zanu PF Surburb, Begins.

Construction Of 7,000 Houses For 40,000 Registered Youths For Bulawayo Umvutsha  Zanu PF Surburb, Begins.

  THE construction of houses for more than 7,000 youths just outside Bulawayo begins next week, with another 150,000 youths expected to benefit from the second phase. Thousands of Zanu-PF supporters from Bulawayo yesterday thronged Umvutshwa Village just outside the city for the ground breaking ceremony of the first phase of the residential housing scheme. The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing, Cde Saviour Kasukuwere, told the gathering that his Ministry would next…

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Man Arrested After Shooting And Stabbing UK Labour MP, Jo Cox, To Death In Her Constituency.

Man Arrested After Shooting And Stabbing UK Labour MP, Jo Cox, To Death In Her Constituency.

  Riding on the back of the  horrific act of hatred in which 50 people were killed in a mass shooting attack in the US, is yet again, another evil act of murder in which a UK MP was shot and stabbed to death. The Vote Leave and Remain campaigns in the EU referendum have been suspended on both sides after  the Labour  MP for Batley and Spen, Jo Cox (41), died after being shot and stabbed in her constituency….

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Kombi Driver Allegedly Killed A Zanu PF Supporter After Ferrying Him From Harare Airport To Welcome Mugabe

Kombi Driver Allegedly Killed A Zanu PF Supporter After Ferrying Him From Harare Airport To Welcome Mugabe

  A Kombi driver allegedly killed a Zanu PF youth league member after ferrying him from Harare International Airport, where he had gone with others to welcome President Robert Mugabe. Costa Gono, who is out on bail, appeared before Harare magistrate Fadzai Mtombeni yesterday facing culpable homicide charges. Gono denied the allegations, while arguing that the deceased, Tapiwa Chibvunze of Waterfalls, caused his own death. The incident allegedly occurred on February 4 this year. According to…

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Health Fund Scam In Unearthed In US$107 million Targeted Approach Programme Allocation

Health Fund Scam In Unearthed In US$107 million Targeted Approach Programme Allocation

SOME irregularities have been unearthed in the disbursement of a large chunk of the US$107 million that was given to several health institutions under the Targeted Approach Programme. These include the violation of tender procedures and procurement of obsolete equipment, among others. A parliamentary portfolio committee on Health and Child Care yesterday said there was no proper supervision on the programme that was meant to give life to ailing health institutions. The committee’s investigations were…

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