Bulawayo church near Basch Street Terminus, ‘Egodini’ burnt in suspected arson attack

Bulawayo church near Basch Street Terminus, ‘Egodini’ burnt in suspected arson attack

A CHURCH in the city was extensively damaged in a suspected arson attack that is now being investigated by police. Property including musical instruments, chairs, tables, travel and identification documents worth thousands of dollars were lost in the fire that broke out at around 1AM yesterday. Other goods that were lost, including blankets, shoes, electrical gadgets, clothing, books and bags belonged to church members who are informal traders who kept them at the church overnight….

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State withdraws charges for posting ‘subversive statement on Baba Jukwa’s account’

State withdraws charges for posting ‘subversive statement on  Baba Jukwa’s account’

A University of Zimbabwe , Economics student, who was arrested  in June 2014 and charged   with attempting to subvert a constitutional government , can now fully celebrate freedom after the state , yesterday, withdrew charges against him. Romeo Musemburi was accused of allegedly writing and posting  a subversive statement on the phantom Facebook Baba Jukwa’s account, a statement which  was conveniently interpreted by Mugabe’s Zanu PF regime to mean that the accused   was , infact…

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How a Right-Wing South African Group Incites a New Wave of White Fear

How a Right-Wing South African Group Incites a New Wave of White Fear

When Dylann Storm Roof, the suspect in last week’s mass shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, told his victims that black people “are raping our women and taking over the country,” he was echoing a belief held by white nationalists worldwide, who feel that their way of life is under threat from people of color, be they in the United States, Europe or South Africa. Roof is thought to have…

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Welshman Ncube on Friday: Who Really is an ‘Ordinary’ Zimbabwean?

Welshman Ncube on Friday: Who Really is an ‘Ordinary’ Zimbabwean?

  A few years ago, I heard an Afro American rhythm and blues singer named John Legend sing this about ordinary people: ‘We’re just ordinary people. We don’t know which way to go. Cuz we’re ordinary people. Maybe we should take it slow…’ In my long experience as lawyer and politician, I have heard, on numerous occasions, politicians habitually use the ‘ordinary Zimbabweans’ phrase.  This ‘amorphous’, almost legendary demographic group attracts both attention and pity…

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3 Zimbabwean cross border buses and 2trucks burnt in Johannesburg, South Africa

Three Zimbabwean cross border buses and two trucks were yesterday burnt in the Newton area of Johannesburg, South Africa. Buses belonging to  were reduced to shells by fire believed to have emanated from a cigarette butt. The incident occurred at around 4pm in Newton, along Main Street, where most Zimbabwean cross border buses park before leaving South Africa for Zimbabwe. The trucks were carrying luggage destined for various towns in Zimbabwe, including Gweru and Harare….

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‘Powerful Angolan , interests and investments in Portugal , are, a form of reverse colonization’

The Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos  has ruled Angola since independance, uninterrupted for 36 years since Independance in 1975. Angola is rich in Oil  and diamonds yet at least 40%  of the country’s  population live  below the poverty line, but unsurprisingly so, corrupt, powerful Angolan government and military figures live filthy rich lives whilst the rest suffer. Their investment interests and opportunities are not only limited to Angola but reach out far and wide with a key…

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Jonathan Moyo ‘flew too close to the sun and the wax holding his political wings, melted’

MDC-Renewal Team spokesperson Jacob Mafume has mocked Tsholotsho North MP Jonathan Moyo saying the wax which had been temporarily holding his political wings has melted after he flew too close to the sun. “They that fly close to the sun – Jonathan Moyo’s wings of wax,” Mafume said. “You have to give it to the chap sometimes, he has a soaring political career but alas Icarus the son of Daedalus, he always flies close to…

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Tsvangirai to deliver state of the nation address

Tsvangirai to deliver state of the nation address

MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai will tomorrow deliver his state of the nation address at the Exhibition Park in Harare to commemorate seven years after the bloody 2008 Presidential election run – off he boycotted due to widespread violence and intimidation of opposition supporters.The address would be preceded by an exhibition in the Home industries Hall at the violence of June 27, 2008 in which innocent Zimbabweans were killed in a senseless act of State sponsored…

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Speed and stealth, that Mugabe delt with Moyo shows, the Zanu PF centre of power

Speed and stealth,   that Mugabe  delt with Moyo shows, the Zanu PF  centre of power

There were strong suggestions yesterday that Tuesday’s surprising freezing of voluble Zanu-PF politburo member Jonathan Moyo from Cabinet could be a precursor to the long-mooted major executive reshuffle – a prospect that has put many ministers on tenterhooks.Well-placed sources told the Daily News yesterday that the “speed and stealth” with which Mugabe had dealt with Moyo not only suggested that “there is one centre of power in Zanu-PF” but also that a major Cabinet reshuffle…

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‘Zimbabwe will not tolerate elements who want division along tribal lines’-Mnangagwa

‘Zimbabwe will not tolerate elements who want  division along tribal lines’-Mnangagwa

Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is also the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs says Zimbabwe is a unitary state and will not tolerate elements who want to divide the country along tribal lines. Addressing a public gathering during the fourth leg of the constitutional advocacy meeting which was held at Masvingo Polytechnic College, Vice President Mnangagwa said Zimbabwe is a democracy guided by the constitution and as such citizens should unite and work…

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