Joint operation command (Joc) to force gold panners out of goldfields

Joint operation command (Joc) to force gold panners out of goldfields

ZANU-PF supporters who were encouraged to invade a goldfield in Bindura (Kitsiyatota) during First Lady Grace Mugabe’s meet-the-people rallies ahead of the controversial Zanu-PF congress last December were given a three-day notice on Monday to leave the area, Zimbabwe Independent reported. Zanu-PF sources said this week the provincial joint operation command (Joc) chaired by Provincial Affairs minister Martin Dinha resolved to force the artisanal miners out of the goldfields by Thursday. “In its disaster management…

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David Coltart blames Philip Chiyangwa for closure of most Bulawayo companies

David Coltart  blames Philip Chiyangwa for  closure of most Bulawayo companies

Former Education Minister David Coltart has accused flamboyant businessman Philip Chiyangwa of enriching himself at the expense of Zimbabwe’s working class. In a recent interview with The Zimbabwean, Coltart said Chiyangwa, who has developed a taste for expensive cars and clothes, was behind the closure of most Bulawayo companies that he had taken over. There is a new league of millionaires in Zimbabwe, most of whom have made their wealth through corruption and looting. Bulawayo,…

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After farm invasions, now Mugabe’s Zanu PF war veterans threaten mines grab

After farm invasions, now Mugabe’s Zanu PF  war veterans threaten mines grab

Ex-freedom fighters will soon launch a crack-down on “unproductive” mines across the country with a view to taking them over, War Veterans Minister Christopher Mutsvangwa has threatenedAnalysts say this exercise is likely to target opponents of Zanu-PF including former VP Joice Mujuru who owns diamond mining claims in Mutare and members of her cabal who are heavily involved in the sector. The country has wrapped up dealing “with political problems and now focus should be…

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‘Gershem Pasi’ blasts vendor economy, announces plans to tax super rich churches

‘Gershem Pasi’  blasts vendor economy, announces plans to tax super rich churches

“We are creating a generation that might never know formal employment and that would be wasted investment given the resources we have spent in their education.” ZIMBABWE’S tax collector has hit out at the country’s vendor economy as he announced plans to tax churches and their fabulously rich ‘prophets’ in an increasingly desperate bid to raise money for the government. Zimra boss Commissioner-General, Gershem Pasi, criticised the government’s “laid back” attitude in addressing the country’s…

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40,000 migrants will be relocated to other EU states over the next two years

40,000 migrants will be relocated to other EU states over the next two years

Migration has been top of the agenda for the European Union Summit summit, which opened on Thursday. European Union partners, have faced a deluge of thousands of migrants arriving by sea, many fleeing ,persecution, war , violence, terror and also simply economic migrants fleeing poverty mainly across African countries such as Syria, Eritrea, Somalia and Nigeria. European Union (EU) leaders, after marathon deliberations over the unprecedented number of migrant arrivals on European shores that has…

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US dismiss an ‘Arab spring’ like revolt in Zimbabwe

US dismiss an ‘Arab spring’ like revolt in Zimbabwe

Panelists discussing the state of Zimbabwe’s democracy and economic development at an event hosted by the Washington Based think tank, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), expressed cautious optimism, of the country’s future. United States Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Bruce Wharton, one three panelists at the NED event, titled, “The Challenges of Democratization and Economic Recovery in Zimbabwe”, dismissed an “Arab spring” – like revolt in Zimbabwe, despite the country’s political and economic hardships, citing the population’s…

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Mugabe better off with Moyo inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in!

Mugabe better off with Moyo inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in!

“Moyo’s victory was seen as spiting President Mugabe who had appointed him a non-constituency Member of Parliament before he proceeded to appoint him a minister in his bloated government,” commented Bulawayo24 Staff Reporter. I can well believe that! Professor Moyo is already a heavy weight in Zanu PF and government but when he lost his parliamentary seat in the July 2013 elections and had to depend on Mugabe’s generosity to pluck him out of political…

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‘MPs ignorant of their roles & constituency needs’-Professor Lovemore Madhuku

‘MPs  ignorant of their roles & constituency needs’-Professor Lovemore Madhuku

MPs have a minimal understanding of their roles and the needs of their constituents, a problem which contributes towards lack of development in the country, a leading academic and politician has said. University of Zimbabwe law lecturer, Professor Lovemore Madhuku, said this during a breakfast meeting Wednesday organised by Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights in Harare. Addressing parliamentarians, Madhuku said, “Most of the MPs think they represent their parties and forget they are voted for…

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3 Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Senior excutives , face charges of US$780,000 fraud

3 Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), Senior excutives , face charges of  US$780,000 fraud

  A RESERVE Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) unit has dragged three senior executives and an accomplice to court accusing them of stealing US$780,000 from the company. Fidelity Printers and Refiners is the RBZ’s currency printing firm and also the country’s sole buyer of gold. The three top executives – Godknows Hofisi, 41, Tinashe Wellington Mbengegwi, 35, Ronald Madhara, 47, – were not asked to plead when they appeared before Harare magistrate Vakai Chikwekwe charged with…

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South African Judge suggests charging South African government over Bashir flight

South African Judge suggests charging South African government over Bashir flight

A SOUTH African judge asked prosecutors on Wednesday to consider charging the government over its decision to let Sudan’s President Omar Hassan al-Bashir leave the country in defiance of legal orders from Pretoria and the International Criminal Court. Bashir flew out of South Africa on June 15 as world powers and activists were urging the government to arrest him under a warrant from the global court on charges of masterminding genocide and other atrocities in…

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