Jonathan Moyo’s exit, Mugabe’s strategy to elevate , wife Grace , into cabinet?

Jonathan Moyo’s exit, Mugabe’s strategy to elevate , wife  Grace , into cabinet?

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe is thought to be clearing the way for his wife, Grace, to possibly join his Cabinet. This is after information emerged Tuesday that he had temporarily un-appointed his Information Minister Jonathan Moyo to free up one of five spots taken up by ministers not directly elected as MPs. Moyo, who won a by-election in Tsholotsho North on June 10, would be reappointed back to Cabinet but now as a directly elected minister….

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‘Gvt blocks US$80million investment into CSC once Africa’s largest meat processor’

‘Gvt blocks   US$80million investment into CSC once Africa’s largest meat processor’

THE state-owned meat processor, the Cold Storage Company (CSC), says it has secured an investor to inject $80 million into its struggling business but government is withholding approval, demanding a forensic audit to ascertain the state of the company. CSC, at one time the largest meat processor in Africa, handled up to 150,000 tonnes of beef and associated bi-products a year and exporting beef to the European Union. Mismanagement and persistent outbreaks of foot and…

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‘ZEC, CIOs rig polls for Zanu PF’ says the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI)

‘ZEC,  CIOs rig polls for Zanu PF’ says the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI)

THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is complicit in the continued rigging of polls by the ruling Zanu PF party, a local think-tank has said. Following the Hurungwe-West by-election fiasco in which ZEC has admitted to allowing MP elect Keith Guzah of Zanu PF to contest and claim victory even though he was registered in another constituency, the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI) says the admission exposed the extent of poll manipulation in the country. “The administrative…

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Sahara TV reporter says Mnangagwa lied that she apologised for tormenting Mugabe ‘

Sahara TV reporter says  Mnangagwa lied that she apologised for tormenting Mugabe ‘

VICE PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa lied when he told Parliament last week that the Nigerian reporter who tormented President Robert Mugabe about his rule had apologised. Mugabe was in Nigeria for the inauguration of president-elect Muhammadu Buhari when he was accosted by journalists over his long stay in power. But Adeola Fayehun, the Sahara TV reporter who humiliated Mugabe three weeks ago, rejected claims by Mnangagwa that she “wrote a long letter apologising”. “I did not…

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‘Zimbabwe Republic Police, threaten to beat up Harare West MP, Majome for taking photos’

‘Zimbabwe Republic Police,  threaten to beat up Harare West MP, Majome for taking photos’

Harare West MP Jessie Majome said she was taking photos during the vendors march when a police officer accused her of photographing him.”This police officer of the black boots section just threatened to beat me up with his fellow anti riot troops for taking his photograph outside parliament of Zimbabwe for taking photographs of him and his fellows encamped there and blocking my way,” she posted on her facebook page. “So much for MP, let…

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‘ZEC Chief Elections Officer, Constance Chigwamba is CIO, ex-perm sec , Presidents Office’

‘ZEC Chief Elections Officer, Constance Chigwamba is CIO,  ex-perm sec , Presidents Office’

Political analyst Pedzisai Ruhanya has exposed that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s Chief Elections Officer Constance Chigwamba is a central Intelligence Organization Officer whose interests are likely to be associated with the ruling Zanu PF hence the bias revelations associated with the Hurungwe West by elections. Ruhanya said: “So Zimbabweans tell me that only people from the President’s Office, that houses the CIO can lead ZEC as chief elections officers.” He said they recently appointed ZEC…

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Muhammadu Buhari says ‘Goodluck Jonathan left Nigeria’s treasury virtually empty’

Muhammadu Buhari says ‘Goodluck Jonathan left Nigeria’s treasury virtually empty’

NIGERIA’S president Muhammadu Buhari on Monday slammed the state of the country’s finances, claiming his predecessor had left Africa’s biggest economy deep in debt and the treasury “virtually empty”. There are high expectations that Buhari, who defeated Goodluck Jonathan in March elections, will turn around Nigeria’s fortunes, with the country riddled with corruption and the crude-dependent economy reeling from global oil shocks. But the 72-year-old, elected on a promise of cleaning up Nigeria’s dirty politics…

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‘Zimbabwe’s Public Order and Security Act (POSA) bars AIDS awareness campaigns ‘

‘Zimbabwe’s Public Order and Security Act (POSA)  bars AIDS awareness campaigns ‘

NATIONAL AIDS Council (NAC) says community based organisations should be allowed to conduct HIV and AIDS awareness campaigns as this would help to reduce infections. Community based organisations always complain that the state uses the Public Order and Security Act (POSA) to bar them from holding public meetings. The call by NAC comes after they have witnessed an increase in STIs in Harare’s Epworth, Caledonia and Hopely high density suburbs. These are some of many shanty suburbs in…

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‘Breaking News: Jonathan Moyo , has quit government’

‘Breaking News: Jonathan Moyo , has  quit government’

Zimbabwe’s INFORMATION minister, arguably the Zanu PF Chief propagandist, Mugabe’s mouthpiece and the despot 91 year old president’s strongest weapon  against democracy is reported to have  left government , a surprise move coming so soon after his recent victory in the  MP for Tsholotsho North in the by elections. Jonathan Moyo, was previously a non elected MP, appointed to his post by Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe soon after the infamous Zanu PF ‘NIKUV election’ victory of 31st…

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ZIMBABWE Electoral Commission (ZEC) admits Zanu PF Hurungwe West MP Guzah electoral fraud

ZIMBABWE Electoral Commission (ZEC) admits Zanu PF Hurungwe West MP Guzah electoral fraud

ZIMBABWE Electoral Commission (ZEC) chairperson Rita Makarau, Monday admitted that Keith Guzah the MP-elect for the Hurungwe West was not a registered voter in the constituency but instead his names appears in Magunje. Makarau also admitted that Guzah, the Zanu PF candidate, had in fact been declared winner even though he had not been able to vote in the June 10 by-election. “On polling day, Keith Guzah was denied the right to vote as his…

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