After a fully contested trial, Cuthbert Dube is sentenced to 20 years in prison

After a fully contested trial, Cuthbert Dube  is sentenced to 20 years in prison

Cuthbert Dube has been jailed for 20-year-jail for stealing copper cables and transformer breakers and selling them to unsuspecting customers in Harare. Dube aged 38-year-old man from Mkoba Village 1 had pleaded not guilty to two counts of contravening the Electricity Act, when he was arraigned before Gokwe-Kwekwe regional magistrate Amos Mbobo on Friday. He was convicted after a fully contested trial and sentenced to 10 years on each count and will serve an effective…

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Assistant commissioner, petitions , Kembo Mohadi to probe Augustine Chihuri

Assistant commissioner, petitions  , Kembo Mohadi to  probe Augustine Chihuri

An assistant commissioner in the Zimbabwe Republic Police, who successfully appealed against both his sentence and conviction for allegedly facilitating the release of a fraud suspect, has petitioned Home Affairs minister Kembo Mohadi to probe his boss, Commissioner-General of Police Augustine Chihuri, on allegations of corruption and crime cover-up charges for senior officers within the institution. Assistant Commissioner (Operations) Gideon Baloyi made headlines last year after being slapped with a nine-month jail term for allegedly…

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Zanu-PF pleaded for mercy after losing March 2008 elections, says Tsvangirai

Zanu-PF pleaded for mercy after losing March 2008 elections, says Tsvangirai

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday revealed how a desperate Zanu-PF had dispatched its leading lights to him, allegedly including former State Security minister Nicholas Goche, to try and broker a deal that would save the party’s and President Robert Mugabe’s bacon after they had lost the March 2008 elections. Amplifying the stunning revelations at the weekend by former Presidential Affairs minister Didymus Mutasa that Zanu-PF bigwigs had been left numbed by that surprising loss, the…

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‘SA Police rob VP Mphoko’s wife of goods worth over R1million’

‘SA Police rob VP Mphoko’s wife of goods worth over R1million’

Men pretending to be police officers attacked and robbed the wife of one of Zimbabwe’s Vice-Presidents and other passengers of money and goods worth over R1 million in Johannesburg this weekend. Zimbabwe has two Vice-Presidents. The vehicle in which Laurinda Mphoko, the wife of Phelekezela Mphoko, was driving was stopped at the corner of Barry Hertzog Avenue and Empire Road in Parktown on Saturday. Mphoko was on her way to the Oriental Plaza in Joburg…

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Rwanda’s Intelligence Chief arrested at Heathrow under European Arrest Warrant.

Rwanda’s Intelligence Chief arrested at Heathrow  under European Arrest Warrant.

Rwanda’s  Director General of National Intelligence and National Security , who also, previously served as the deputy Commander of the African Union Peace Keeping force in Darfur, was arrested at Heathrow Airport  in London on   Saturday under a European Arrest Warrant. The 54-year-old General Karenzi Karake, is an official, wanted on war crimes charges, who is also a member of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), appeared  before London’s West Minster Magistrates Court where  he  was remanded in…

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Government digs in on pre-paid water meters, & disconnection of defaulters

Government digs in on pre-paid water meters, & disconnection of defaulters

GOVERNMENT has rallied behind local authorities, under fire for introducing a pre-paid water system on housing units, coupled with disconnections targeted at defaulting rate payers. Water and local government ministers last week took turns to defend the policy, insisting local authorities needed to be capacitated through rates to discharge their duties effectively. The two were asked by parliamentary backbenchers if the introduction of pre-paid meters and disconnections did not violate the constitution which guarantees the…

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Nigel Chanakira’s Kingdom Bank Africa Limited faces liquidation

Nigel Chanakira’s Kingdom Bank Africa Limited  faces liquidation

BOTSWANA’S central bank has been granted an order by the High Court in that country to liquidate Nigel Chanakira’s Kingdom Bank Africa Limited due to insolvency, the bank said on Friday. The Bank of Botswana announced that the period of temporary management of KBAL ended on May 18 and that due to insolvency, it had successfully applied for its liquidation at the High Court of Botswana and the order was granted on May 12. The…

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‘Tsvangirai won 2008, if he marched to statehouse he would have easily taken over’-Mutasa

‘Tsvangirai won 2008, if he marched to statehouse he would have  easily taken over’-Mutasa

FORMER intelligence minister Didymus Mutasa has revealed for the first time that the MDC-T actually won the 2008 election by a narrow margin. Mutasa told the South African Sunday Independent newspaper that Zanu PF people were so shocked by the result that he, as security minister, rushed to protect President Robert Mugabe at the State House. The former Zanu PF secretary for administration added that they were “absolutely shocked” and had Morgan Tsvangirai decided to…

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Bulawayo city council defies gvt June 26 deadline and tells vendors to stay put

Bulawayo city council defies gvt June 26  deadline and tells vendors to stay  put

THE MDC-T run Bulawayo city council is spoiling for a fight with Government after top officials told illegal vendors to ‘relax’ at their illegal sites. Bulawayo mayor Martin Moyo told hundreds of vendors at a stakeholders meeting today at the Small city hall that the June 26 deadline would be impossible for them to meet by providing legal vending sites. As such Moyo said vendors should ‘relax’ at their illegal sites while BCC “works out…

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Prosecutor general, Johannes Tomana rules out resigning-‘Handiende!!’

Prosecutor general,  Johannes Tomana rules out resigning-‘Handiende!!’

Under fire Prosecutor General Johannes Tomana has dug in his heels declaring he would not be haunted into resigning from his post following his alleged gaffe over the age of sexual consent. Tomana last week torched a fierce storm after he was quoted as saying children below the age of 16 could legally consent to sex and marriage. He indicated his statement had been misinterpreted and politicised to force him out of government but vowed…

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